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Posts tagged ‘辩论小组 debate club’


活动时间 date__  2012年4月8日,星期日下午两点 | Sunday, 8 April 2012, 14.00
地点 location__ 家作坊 HomeShop[地图 / map

外语学习的最高境界有两个:1,用所学语言谈恋爱   2, 用所学语言吵架 第一种相当私人的,亲密的,心有灵犀的,语言不可或缺,但并不十分重要,我们无需练习,第二种是相当公开的,针锋相对的,你死我活的,语言十分重要,演练必不可少,哪里可以演练?实战语言演练场系列为我们开辟了最佳演练场地!通过语言实战进入文化背景,通过语言实战熟练掌握关键词,通过语言实战进提高逻辑思辨…

There are supposedly two areas in which you can know you’ve mastered a foreign language: 1) being able to speak in the language of love and 2), being able to verbally put up a fight. The first is private and intimate, a heart to heart where language is necessary but perhaps not the most important, nor possible to practice in a group setting. The latter is a public, sharply dialectical, either you or me head-to-head where language is very important. So why not come together at HomeShop for our COMBAT LANGUAGE playground? Learn more about culture, hot topics in China and your real fighting spirit through COMBAT LANGUAGE. Improve your vocabulary and put your Chinese logic on its toes!

第一场 Debate One

论题 topic__  “子非鱼,安知鱼之乐? You’re not a fish, so how can you know if a fish is happy or not?

两千多年前庄子和惠子在濠水的桥上游玩时开始了一场辩论:“你不是鱼,怎么知道鱼的快乐?”“子非我,安知我不知鱼之乐?” 他们的这段对话看似轻松诙谐,其实其中蕴含着许多极为深刻的文化,逻辑,以及人与人之间的关系问题。来吧,喜欢汉语的朋友们,让我们一起用汉语来参加这两位哲人的讨论,庄子,惠子,谁更善辩?你呢?能否超越二者?答案尽在周日下午两点的汉语演练场

More than two thousand years ago, Zhuangzi and Huizi started a debate at the bridge over the Hao river: “You’re not a fish, so how can you know if a fish is happy or not?” It sounded like a joke, but their dialogue was full of the intricacies of a deep culture, logic, and the relations between people. So if you are an intermediate to advanced learner of Chinese, why not try and join these two philosophers’ debate? Will you follow Zhuangzi or Huizi, or will you surpass them both? Get yourself ready for COMBAT LANGUAGE debate!

价格 cost__  30元(包括饮料 includes beverages

参与者 participants__  中高级汉语学生以及任何对本话题感兴趣的朋友
Intermediate to Advanced students of Chinese, or any Chinese speakers interested in the topic

报名请联系 registration required__  qu@homeshopbeijing.org, 138 1180 9604
After signing up for this workshop you will receive all the necessary materials/vocabulary list by e-mail to prepare for the debate.

组织者 organised by__  曲一箴 Twist QU