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Posts tagged ‘面 noodle’



Dear friends around the world and baby kitty Small Park somewhere out there, today’s event will be live broadcast and viewable from the comfort of your internet connection! As long as ours holds out, please step in to watch and comment at www.homeshop.org.cn/live.html


行为和微广播之夜 …

An evening of actions and micro-casting


You are welcome to join us on Saturday, July 7th from 6 pm to 9 pm for an evening of performative and participatory contributions to the HomeShop ambiance, taking the form of several temporally overlapping actions:

  • 你想看啥?” —— 艺术家皮拉·埃斯库德的一个由观者掌控的电视频道
    What do you want to watch?  by Pilar ESCUDER, is an ongoing viewer-operated TV channel
  • 小气候~借东风”—— 艺术家郭颢的纸风车制作,初级气候制造工作坊
    Small climate~borrowing East wind,  by GUO Hao, is a pinwheel-making and beginners weather workshop
  • 乌冬面跳舞” —— 植村绘美的乌冬面跳舞,闪舞课程以及家作坊的邻居宋女士指导下进行的面条制作工作坊
    Udon noodle dance club,  by Emi UEMURA, is a flash dance course and noodle workshop with the tutelage of neighbor Song Jiejie
  • ” ——  意大利艺术家李山的经典背诵——选自一个经典却又不过时的演讲,议题是陷入危机的民主
    “WORDS”,  by Alessandro ROLANDI, is a recitation of a classical but timely speech on democracy in troubled times
  • 开放参与说明” —— 艺术家马艾地的尝试达成一致性决策的一次实验
    instructions for open participation, by Michael EDDY, is an experiment in consensual decision making
  • “交点” —— 郭颢的一次试图在天空中制造一个交点的尝试
    intersection,  also by GUO Hao, is an attempt to reach a common point, up high in the sky
  • 同时还有DUST吧提供秘制枣汁鸡尾酒!  
    Specially crafted for this event, Cici WANG’s DUSTBar will offer date infused cocktails


“无花果树下, 红枣树之上”由家作坊组办,是家作坊和“与我行走”项目合作的第一个活动。 “与我同行”由德国艺术家Petra JOHNSON发起,将于2012-2013年期间在科隆和北京同时进行。“与我行走”项目得到北京德国文化中心·歌德学院(中国)和德国科隆市支持。
Organized by HomeShopUnder the fig tree, above the date tree is the first installment in a cooperation between HomeShop and Walk with Me, a project initiated by Petra JOHNSON, to be realized throughout 2012 and 2013, between Cologne and Beijing. Walk with Me is kindly supported by the Goethe-Institut Beijing and the city of Cologne.