一派胡言计划  party time project

介绍 about

“一派胡言”计划结合了证件照、家庭照与另一个在中国不太常见的照相服务模式:选举宣传海报。 这些不同照相形式在空间上的重叠和在图像生产层面的联系不仅体现了人物照赋予个体身份的能力,更强调其转化身份,使其成为想象其它价值系统,发现游离于北京公共生活表象之外诸潜在世界的手段。本次计划欢迎艺术家与广大公众的参与,同时期待照相馆公共服务平台能给我们带来意想不到的收获。

个体肖像将以PARTY LEADER的身份被呈现在选举海报上。除此之外还有PARTY标语,PARTY名称与别出心裁的图像处理。不同PARTY的意识形态构建将被收录在我们的档案库中,内容大体分为PARTY宣言、徽志与特定颜色等方面。我们鼓励参与者以任何地点与时代作为他们的选区。我们的档案库与PARTY平台向公众开放,大家可以在线或实地阅览。


随时了解最新动向或启动属于自己的PARTY TIME

The Party Time Project combines a real service of passport, I.D. and family portrait photography with the production of another photographic portrait service, arguably less banal in China: election campaign posters. The shared spatial setup and photographic connection between these aspects emphasizes the ability of portraiture not only to prove identity but to turn identity into the vehicle for imagining other value systems, the possible worlds that aren’t represented in the fabric of public life in Beijing. Participation is open to local artists and other members of the public, with the photo studio service’s availability raising the possibility of unforeseen contributions.

Portraits of individuals as leaders take the form of election campaign posters—locally, a non-existent format—with their slogans, party names and striking graphics. Their ideologies are spelled out in forms accessible in databases, including years active, manifestoes, emblems and colors. Participants are encouraged to picture any place and era as the constituency for their party. An archive of fictional election campaign posters, along with their party platforms is gradually constructed and can be visited both in situ and online.

The registered candidates will make appearances in a series of events (literally: parties), including conventions, debates and an election, in the manner of something between historical role-play and masquerade, and complete with campaign speeches and fanfare. These events will be advertized and open to public, who will be in the position to vote and determine whose vision provides the most convincing alternative to our reality.

Check back for developments or register your own party!

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