一派胡言计划  party time project

魔奴落人党 Manolan Party

派徽 Party emblem:


派色 Party Colors:
black, pink, green

派的名称 Party Name:
Manolan Party

担任职务 Name of Representative/position:
Manolo X

活动年代 Years active:

管辖范围 Jurisdiction:
Earth and beyond

风格 Style:
Cosmic Cosmopolitanism

口号 Campaign Slogan:
The moral law above me and the starry heavens within me.

宣言 Manifesto:
人们都说有外星生命混迹于我们中间,这是毫无疑问的,这些外星生命就是地球人自己。我们魔奴落人(Manolans) 很久之前就已经来到地球,是所有平行宇宙中繁殖最快的智能生命体,我们以气味(aroma)为食, 但是由于地球上的有机体对我们来说是高有毒物,所以我们只能消耗人工合成材料所散发的气味(这种气味只有在一定速率下运转的生产机制才能赋予,在该生产机制缺失的情况下我们会帮助我们所寄生的种群建立该机制)。对我们来说,这种气味的保质期可延续几个小时到几个月不等,所以魔奴落人必须通过不断制造新的产品才能确保繁衍。因为我们的繁殖速奇快,所以魔奴落人的人口数量在20世纪已经超过人类,为了维持稳定的食物来源,地球的生产速度也在呈指数上升。


然而,地球的生态局限要求我们再次对一直以来维系我们生存模式的“魔奴落问题”(The Monolan Problem)作出回应,我们的资源已几近枯竭。对我们来说,自然环境的恶化无足畏惧,但是如果没有了这些消费品生产所需要的原材料,我们就没有了食物来源,这无疑是生存还是毁灭的问题。

解决上述问题必然通过政治。 由于我们的同化机制过于完美,在一般情况下是没有办法区别魔奴落人与人类的, 所幸我们的祖先留给了我们一套自我觉醒的心理技巧,能帮隐匿在人类潜意识中的魔奴落之灵脱离自我遗忘。 魔奴落党在此邀请所有认为自己可能是我们中间一员的个体加入到“魔奴复兴”的队伍中来,在遥远的星辰大海中再次找到我们的栖居之地,共同实现生产的最高形式并延续我们为霎那间的快感而劳作一生的伟大品德。


It’s a common myth that aliens walk among us—but the fact is that we walk among aliens.

In our exploration of new horizons, Manolans stumbled on the planet Earth in its early period of industrialization. Upon arrival we immediately assumed the guise of human beings. As the citizens of a technologically superior civilization, we quickly accelerated the productive capabilities of Earth, and sped up industrial development.

Manolans cannot survive on Earth’s natural resources, which are toxic to us, but must first process these extensively to a certain point when objects begin to “off gas” their artificiality, for instance, in polymers, petrochemicals and metal alloys. These synthetic gases are optimal the fresher they are, thus demanding manufacturing reach a high level of velocity. At the same time, Manolans reproduce at a rate far higher than Earthlings, and at some point in the 20th century, our populations actually overtook those of humans. In order to keep pace with their growing numbers, all manner of manufacturing necessarily increases exponentially.

For many years, Manolans kept our identities and our needs secret from the native human population. As a protective measure, we even went so far as to erase our own identities from our consciousness. As a result, the rich and complex Manolan philosophy of object auras and their manifold flavours was largely forgotten. Advanced Manolan thought celebrates objects and consumption, revels in possession and obsolescence, surpassing the moralistic relation of humans to things.

However, the reality of the ecological limitations of Earth demands an uncovering of the true nature of the “Manolan Problem”: we are running out of resources. The depletion of nature for Manolans is not the crisis, but the exhaustion of resources to process into commodities and their aromas, is. The question is: survival or extinction.

The solution must be political. Without a proper way to measure who is and is not a Manolan, it must also be total. Therefore, the Alien Party calls on all citizens of the world to participate in a program of meditation and self-discovery. Those who find themselves are then exhorted to join us on our mission to find a new world where we will realize the highest forms of manufacturing and the continuance of the Manolan virtues of hard work, freshness and pleasure.

We are all Manolans.

记表号 Registration number: 001

日期 Date: 01/07/2013

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