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大陆漂着 Continental Drifting

18 May – 5 June 2011

“大陆漂流.中国”活动将众多的艺术家,策展人,理论家,与活动家召集到一起,共同探索当 代地理政治转化对于公共框架与亲密生存 空间的影响。在一周的时间里,本活动将“漂”在北京,尝试将抽象分析(经济,社会学,都市生活研究,美学等等)直接导入不同的艺术实践当中。通过报告,工 作坊,讨论会与实地考察等方式,我们希望自己能在闹市与乡间的穿梭中构建一个充满欢乐,感觉试验,偶遇与思考的游历方式。

The Continental Drift China brings together artists, curators, theorists, and activists to explore the impacts that current geopolitical transformations are having on the public frameworks and intimate environments of existence. For one week, the roving seminar will drift through Beijing, endeavouring to bring abstract analysis (economics, sociology, urbanism, aesthetics, etc.) into direct contact with situated projects. By way of presentations, a workshop, discussion sessions and site visits, the project provides a movement through space thriving on conviviality, perceptual experimentation, unexpected encounters and informed travel in both metropolitan and rural settings.


For detailed descriptions of each of the events listed, please see below. Note that not all events are at the same location; addresses are listed accordingly.


合辑 Selections 】底特律音乐人类学赏析,王念华主讲  /  an evening of musical anthropology led by Dan S. WANG

Thursday, 19 May, 19.00
location:HomeShop, Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8

杨先让 YANG Xianrang 】(艺术家, 曾任中央美术学院民间美术系主任)讲座  /  a Talk with Professor YANG Xianrang, artist and former head of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Folk Arts and Crafts department

Saturday, 21 May, 10.30
location:HomeShop, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8

西遊计划 Journey West 】艺术假扮旅行社简单开张  /  A “Journey West” Travel Agency performative soft opening

Saturday, 21 May, 16.00
location:41 Zhonglouwan Hutong (next door to The Drum and Bell Bar)

《北二条小报》工作坊 Beiertiao Leaks self-publishing workshop

Sunday & Monday, 22-23 May, 10.00 until the presses are hot
location:HomeShop, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8

从5月23日“大陆漂流”继续向武汉与重庆漂流,6月4日返回北京。如果你对我们下一步的旅行感兴趣,请e-mail垂询: lianxi[圈A]homeshop[点]org[点]cn
From the 23rd of May until the 4th of June, the Drift continues on to Wuhan and Chongqing before rounding back up in Beijing. If you are interested to continue with us on this leg of the journey, please inquire: lianxi[at]homeshop[dot]org[dot]cn.

“大陆漂流.中国” 总结论坛  Continental Drift China Final Forum】“哪里哪里” 艺术空间将与大陆漂流参加者联合举办一个开放总结论坛。更多的详情稍候发布。 /  The Where Where Exhibition Space in Caochangdi will host a final forum with China Drift participants open to the public. More details to be announced.

地点:“哪里哪里” 艺术空间
Sunday, 5 June, 15.00
location:Where Where Exhibition Space
No. 319-1, East End Art Zone A, Caochangdi

本次大陆漂流活动由 “我们家” 青年自治中心,“家作坊”,“哪里哪里”策展联盟,与“罗盘”(美国中西部激进 文化走廊)等组织共同合作举办。
The Continental Drift China is developed by Desireè Youth Autonomy Center, HomeShop and the Where Where Curatorial Collective, in conjunction with Compass (of the Midwest Radical Culture Corridor).

豆瓣同城活动 Douban event page:www.douban.com/event/13954395/

更多关于“大陆漂流.中国”的参加者信息,继续读… For more information about participants of the Continental Drift China, please continue reading.

(中西部激进文化走廊之)罗盘 Compass (of the Midwest Radical Culture Corridor)
Claire PENTECOST, Sarah LEWISON, Brian HOLMES, and Dan S. WANG belong to a loose association of about fifteen artists, writers, and activists who live in the midwestern states of America and work together under the name Compass. As part of our shared interest in the regional scales of economy and culture that constitute our sustainable future, for the last four years we have been engaged in numerous group, sub-group, and individual projects that together connect where we are to the rest of the world, over time and space. As an exercise in excavating, thinking through, and activating the many alternative histories and possible futures of the region we inhabit, we use terminologies such as midwest radical culture corridor, petroleum space-time continuum, and ethics of scale. Our various investigations have taken different combinations of us to southern Ohio, rural Wisconsin, Minneapolis, Detroit, and now Beijing.

Brian HOLMES is an activist researcher and translator who writes in three languages. His critical essays and polemics have been collected in three books, Escape the Overcode, Hieroglyphs of the Future, and Unleashing the Collective Phantoms. He frequently contributes to the Nettime mailinglist, lives in Chicago, and is on the faculty of the European Graduate School.
布赖恩·霍姆斯是一位活动家,研究者,和翻译家,还是一位用三种语言写作的作家。他的评论文章主要收集在以下三本书里:分别是《逃离过度编码》(Escape the Overcode)、《未来的象形文字》(Hieroglyphs of the Future)和《释放集体幻想》(Unleashing the Collective Phantoms)。他是Nettime maillinglist的长期撰稿人,在欧洲研究生院任教,现居住在芝加哥。

Sarah LEWISON is a media artist who teaches at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Much of her research focuses on the economics, politics, and possibilities of energy production and transfer, from the coal mining of Appalachia to the mushroom cultivation processes of Yunnan farmers. She arrives in Beijing fresh from having delivered a presentation at the Radical Art Practises exhibition in Malmö, Sweden.

Claire PENTECOST is Professor of Photography at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her work on food systems, weapons systems, and nature vs culture have been exhibited recently at Threewalls (Chicago) and Higher Pictures (New York), and included in the book Useful Pictures. She has lectured in many places, including at the second Creative Time Summit (New York) in 2010.
克莱尔·潘迪科斯特是芝加哥艺术学院摄影系的教授。她的作品关注粮食系统、武器系统和自然VS文化,最近在芝加哥的Threewalls和纽约的Higher Pictures展出,还被收录在Useful Pictures一书中。她在包括纽约2010第二届创新时代峰会等多种会议中都做过演讲。

Stephanie ROTHENBERG is an artist and educator from New York using performance, installation and networked media to create provocative interactions that question the boundaries and social constructs of manufactured desires. She has lectured and exhibited at venues including the Whitney Museum of American Art Internet Portal, Sundance Film Festival and the Banff New Media Institute. She is co-director of REV, a New York City based arts non-profit and Associate Professor at the University at Buffalo in upstate New York. She is currently in Beijing working on a project about tourism and consumer culture between the US and China called “The Journey West” in collaboration with Dan WANG.
置和网络媒体来激发互动,进而质疑“人为制造的欲望”的界线和社会动因。她在多处讲演和展出,包括美国惠特尼美术馆因特网门户网站(Whitney Museum of American Art Internet Portal),圣丹斯电影节(Sundance Film Festival),班夫新媒体研究所(Banff New Media Institute)。同时她也是REV的联席总监(REV是一个以纽约为基地的非盈利艺术组织)。她目前在北京与艺术家王念华合作开发开展一个叫“西游 计划”的艺术项目。项目主要关注中美之间的旅游和文化消费等主题。

Ula SCHNEIDER was born in Vienna, Austria. She grew up in Washington, D.C. before returning to Vienna, where she currently practices art. She studied art history at the University of Vienna and has also lived and worked in Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany.
In 1999, Ula initiated the urban art project SOHO in OTTAKRING in the Brunnenviertel area of the 16th district in Vienna, which is predominantly inhabited by migrant communities. One of the goals of the project is to involve youths, residents and others not necessarily affiliated with the arts. Since the inception of the project, she has worked continuously in the context of urban development and collaborative art practice. SOHO in OTTAKRING has become an annual two-week Spring festival open to the public. As project director, Ula has cooperated with the Area Renewal Office, with local institutions such as youth centers and schools as well as with local, regional and internationally located artists and artists groups.
1999年乌啦·施奈德在维也纳16区的Brunnenviertel地区发起了一个城市艺术项目SOHO IN OTTAKRING,该地区移民居多。这个项目的目的之一在于影响年轻人、居民和其他不大可能和艺术发生关系的人。自项目开始,她一直从事与城市发展和合作性艺术实践方面相关的工作。SOHO IN OTTAKRING已成为一个向公众开放的一年一度为期两周的春季节日。作为项目总监,乌啦已与地区重建办公室,以及包括青少年中心和学校在内的地方机构有过合作,同时一些本土和国际艺术家和艺术团体也是她的合作伙伴。

Dan S. WANG is a writer, print media artist, blogger, and activist who lives in Madison, Wisconsin. His texts have been published in journals internationally and in exhibition catalogues for the Smart Museum (Chicago), the Milwaukee Art Museum, and Documenta 12. Most recently he contributed an essay to the forthcoming Arrow Factory Triennial Book (Beijing). He is a co-founder of the experimental cultural space Mess Hall and teaches in the Art + Design department of Columbia College Chicago.
王念华是一个居住在威斯康星州麦迪逊市的作家,版画艺术家,博客写手,和活动家。在不少国际杂志上都有他的文章。他的作品被收录在Smart博物馆(芝加哥),密尔沃基艺术博物馆和文献展12的展览目录里。最近他给北京的《箭厂三年展》书简撰稿。他是实验文化空间Mess Hall的创始人之一。在芝加哥哥伦比亚学院的艺术设计学院任教。

杨先让 YANG Xianrang
1930年生于山东省牟平县,1952年毕业于中央美术学院绘画系。 历任人民美术出版社编辑、中央文化部研究员、中央美术学院民间美术系主任、中央美术学院教授、中国美术家协会版画艺术委员会副主任、中国民间美术学会常务副会长。1982年于中国美术馆首次举办个人画展。 1985年赴美国讲学访问,举办个人画展。1989年赴韩国讲学访问。1993年退休后赴美国从事讲学、举办个人画展等艺术交流活动。先后出版《杨先让木刻选辑》、《黄河十四走民艺考》、《杨先让彩绘选集》、《杨先让文集》、《艺苑随笔》。主编《中国民间美术全集•甘肃卷》、《中国民艺学研究》、《中国民 间现代绘画选集》等。被列入英国剑桥《东方名人录》和《中国当代名人录》、《中国现代美术家名鉴》、《世界华人美术名家书画集》等。绘画作品被中国美术 馆、巴黎博物馆、大英博物馆以及美国、韩国及香港、台湾等地的收藏家收藏。
YANG Xianrang was born in 1930 in Mouping County, Shandong Province. In 1952, he graduated from the painting department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, after which he served successively as editor of Renmin Fine Arts Publishers, research fellow of the Central Ministry of Culture, professor and head of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Folk Arts and Crafts department, deputy director of the China Art Association’s printmaking committee and vice president of the Chinese Folk Arts and Crafts Association. He presented his first solo exhibition at the National Art Museum in 1982, and in later in the 80s and early 90s traveled to the United States and Korea to exhibit and give lectures on his work. Among his publications: The Collected Woodcuts of YANG Xianrang, Yellow River 14 Zouminyikao, The Collected Drawings of YANG Xianrang, Chinese Folk Arts & Crafts Research, The Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Folk Arts and Painting. YANG’s work has been collected by the National Museum of Art, Paris Museum of Art, the British Museum, as well as by collectors from the United States, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

家作坊 HomeShop
HomeShop began as a storefront residence and artist initiative in Beijing, 2008. Located in the centre of Beijing on one of its old hutong alleyways, the space and its window front are used as the beginning points from which to examine ways of relaying between public and private, the commercial and pure exchange as such. Artists, designers and thinkers come together via multiple, interwoven series of small-scale activities, interventions and documentary gestures, processes by which HomeShop serves as an open platform to question existing models of economic and artistic production. Daily life, work and the community become explorations of micropolitical possibility, and of working together.

“哪里哪里”策展联盟 Where Where Curatorial Collective
“哪里哪里”策展联盟(Where Where Curatorial Collective) 致力于研究和支持在中国创作的当代视觉艺术,期待通过努力酝酿良好的职业和学术氛围,以促进更宽容和深厚的中国同国际艺术界间的交流。我们工作的形式包括 策划展览,协助国际巡回展在中国的落户和新解,主办或者发起研讨会,主持驻馆艺术家项目,协助学术研究,出版;参与策划艺术节和艺术事件。“哪里哪里” 策展联盟于2010年10月由加拿大资深公立美术馆策展人Gordon Laurin和旅加/美艺术家静远女士联合发起创立,旗下运营 “哪里哪里”艺术空间和“北京国际驻馆艺术家”项目。
The Where Where Curatorial Collective was formed Jing Yuan HUANG and Gordon LAURIN in 2010 to provide an alternative platform for the research, dissemination and critical study of contemporary art in China. The Collective is dedicated to fostering a greater level of international exchange between China and the international art community through the development of visual art presentations, symposiums, talks, and touring exhibitions while supporting curatorial research, publishing, and performance projects by both Chinese and international artists and critics.

5 Responses to “大陆漂流.中国 Continental Drift China”

  1. sportsbabel

    have fun and say hello! :)

  2. 我想要个宝宝


  3. 杯子


  4. 家作坊 HomeShop » Blog Archive » Half-Year Picks and Reviews: SENSITIVE WORDS for the current Big6 blockparade

    […] 大陆漂流.中国 Continental Drift China […]

  5. 家作坊 HomeShop » Blog Archive » Speaking Tour

    […] questions connect back to one of those that lingered for me after our Continental Drift, that of practice (conveniently, practice entitles a moody and self-absorbed preamble, or it is […]