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Posts tagged ‘destructure’


a friend just sent this link to the news about the reprinting of La Jetée, reminding me about how amazingly beautiful this work is and what a destructuralist achievement it represents for cinema. how it plays with time so integrally, through the narrative and the way it is made. and then, hmm… the parallel thought occurred that perhaps this way of disjointed time is something relevant for us. the chinese sense of time is something of ceaseless fascination for me, historically and how contemporary China seems to cancel/reverse/contradict itself (and its history) in so many ways… all of these show senses of time that have become unpredictable, 没有希望的,and just plain 没办法的… and today i overheard a woman of 30-something say she 很讨厌 the 后年代 generation.

and then, and then?

from the fifteenth floor…

“乌龙公司,换我血汗钱” [Shanghai, 23 January 2008]