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我原来公司有一个员工,他也喜欢玩户外。他那个时候他就,他原来,他也是湖南的,湖南跟我是校友。 他是属于那种什么呢?在上学期间有一天骑自行车,从学校骑出来骑到那大马路上,突然之间想我为什么不骑远一点?于是他就骑到了越南。当然那种事特例。但是这种就是说,这种性格就还是有这种性格。就我去玩儿我不追求很好的装备。

There is a guy in my company, he’s also from Hunan so we became friends. When he was still going at school, he took his bike to go home, and when he arrived on the main road he suddenly thought, why not going a bit further? And he rode his bike until Vietnam. Of course it’s a special case, but you know, it’s about character.

Sometimes we think about something, and we just do it. Comes from the transcription of a conversation I had last year with the director of an outdoor activities company.

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