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家作坊语音导览中文版摘录 excerpt from the Chinese version of the HomeShop Audio Tour
家作坊语音导览英文版摘录 excerpt from the English version of the HomeShop Audio Tour

项目:家作坊独家提供的语音导览系统是一个为了更好地与新老朋友交流而准备的艺术项目,从本质上讲,它既是一种通过声音与话语进行的空间探索,也 同时是让人们更加直观地了解我们这个“机构”的一种手段。本项目对公众开放,每个人均可带上耳机在交道口北二条8号及周边区域漫步,聆听萦绕在空 间内的过去、现在及未来的声音。

耳机使用结束后应当完好归还。出于礼貌,我们希望您能完整地听完导览介绍,当然这不是强制性的, 如果前来参观的人们能够通过这个语音导览系统获得更丰富的信息和更具教育意义的体验那么我们的目的也就达成了。但是作为一项适合家庭的活动,它并不能保证 满足喜欢刨根问底的参观者所提出的每一个问题;在这种情况下,参观者可向任一房间内的任一位工作人员寻求帮助。


PROGRAM: Available exclusively on-site at HomeShop, the HomeShop Audio Tour is a new and exciting audio adventure introducing fresh visitors and old friends alike to the story of our would-be institution. All members of the public are welcome to stroll around the grounds at Jiaodaokou Beiertiao No. 8 with a headset, listening to the voices of the past, present and future animating the space.

Conditions of use: After borrowing a headset, individuals are responsible for returning it in good working order. It is polite to listen to the whole tour, but not compulsory. Taking part in the HomeShop Audio Tour does provide an informative and educating experience, but as an activity suitable for families, it is not guaranteed to satisfy every question posed by the most keenly inquisitive visitor. In such case, visitors are requested to kindly refer to one of the human attendants occupying any of HomeShop’s several rooms.

Price: basically free
Accessibility: available in English and Chinese
Enjoy the experience!

One Response to “家作坊语音导览 | an Audio Tour for HomeShop”

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