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失物品 014:欧阳(177 cm、很瘦、25-26岁、曾是驻唱歌手)

Lost & Found Object No. 014: Ouyang (177 cm, skinny, 25-26 years old, used to be a hired singer)
Last seen: 5 years ago (notice discovered 29 November 2011, 13.00)
Location: near the east entrance of Wudaoying Hutong


如果您要收回家作坊失物招领处的任何物品,或者有关于欧阳的信息,请跟 oylcleslie@163.com / 13611334246 联系。Please contact oylcleslie@163.com / 13611334246 if you would like to reclaim any lost & found item or have information regarding Ouyang.

One Response to “失物招领处 Lost & Found | No. 014”

  1. c

    can Xiao pretend to be the “欧阳”for this girl? maybe sing a song ?!