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土楼茶话会 Tulou Tea Time

日期/时间 date/time__ 7月8日周日,下午3点至5点 | Sunday, 8 July, 15:00-17:00
地点 location__ 家作坊 HomeShop地图map

这周日,家作坊、遥遥工作室新界工作室汇聚一堂,品尝铁观音,分享在土楼的美好时光,回顾上个月在福建田中村组织的“土楼参观开放日”项 目。合作组织者吴遥遥, 高文雅及Anna Laura GOVONI (都市实践研究部)将介绍此项目,艺术家和其他项目参与者也将出席,开放问答环节,品茶闲聊,交流土楼社区最新的消息——其中贯穿对艺术、建筑和可持续性在当下及未来的思考。周日下午来家作坊了解更多信息吧!

This Sunday, HomeShop, Studio YaoYao and New Territories Studio come together to share tieguanyin (the tea of the iron goddess of mercy, of course) and tulou time for a dialogue and review of the Tulou Open House project organized last month in Tianzhong village, Fujian. Co-organizers Dana WU, Samantha CULP and Anna Laura GOVONI (Urbanus Research Bureau) will introduce the project, and artists and other project participants will be on hand for an open Q&A and teatime chitchat about the latest goings-on in the tulou community —— relaxation intersects with present and future considerations of art, architecture and sustainability. Learn more about it this Sunday afternoon at HomeShop!

One Response to “7月8日|8 July:土楼茶话会 Tulou Tea Time”

  1. Tulou Teatime at HomeShop Beijing | New Territories

    […] in Beijing this weekend and want to hear all about our recent Tulou adventures, please join us on Sunday at HomeShop for an afternoon of chatting and fragrant Fujian […]