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2月1日 星期五 7:00点 / Friday, February 1st, 7:00 pm





德勒兹 瓜塔里又说:“不是说俄狄浦斯与阉割等啥也算不上,我们都被俄狄浦斯化、被阉了;不是说精神分析学发明了这些进程,并且天才地赋予后者新的源头与方法。但 这是否就能将欲望生产的尖啸化为无形:我们都是精神分裂者!我们都是变态!我们是力比多,不是太稠就是太稀,不是我们愿意这样或那样,而是解辖域流把我们 卷入其中、随性抛掷的结果。”


活动:冰雕融化展示, 联想卡片游戏(参照一款流行桌游“只言片语”自制的家作坊版),冷凝混音,微尘之吧

Melting Ice Festival

HomeShop hosts an evening gathering of free association just before we all depart for the enforced association of Spring Festival.

As Confucius said, “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.”

And as Lacan said, “Because the conjugal family incarnates authority in the next generation and in a family figure, it puts this authority within the immediate range of creative subversion.”

And as Deleuze and Guattari said, “We are not saying that Oedipus and castration do not amount to anything. We are oedipalized, we are castrated; psychoanalysis didn’t invent these operations, to which it merely lends the new resources and methods of its genius. But is this sufficient to silence the outcry of desiring-production: We are all schizos! We are all perverts! We are all libidos that are too viscous and too fluid-and not by preference, but wherever we have been carried by the deterritorialized flows.”

Let’s meet once more before the end of the year, and savour our ambiguous relations to family, and to self.

Events: Melting Ice Sculpture Display,  Associalization card game (HomeShop’s own version, similar to the popular Dixit ©), Condensation sound collage, Lubricative Dust Bar.

One Response to ““融冰节” Melting Ice Festival: 01/02/2013”

  1. Drrrrippings 嘀嗒嘀嗒 | 家作坊 HomeShop

    […] but maybe we could heat it up, and declare victory over our old enemy, Beijing winter? And so the Melting Ice Festival […]