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在过去的两个星期,家作坊与北京都市农耕联盟的简明清准备了一个很NB的项目:复合养殖! 想法是在屋顶上构建一个鱼与植物的共生系统。具体措施是在一个面积15平方米的穹形暖室中,放置一个容量为2千升的鱼缸并在鱼缸的周围种植蔬菜。计划目前尚处于筹备阶段,在基本结构完成之后,我们会在下个月开始养鱼。如果你有种植,养鱼,工程设计,网页设计,翻译等方面的才华,并希望加入到这个项目中,那就尽管来吧。


Spring is in the air! Let’s wake up from hibernation and plant the city.

Over the last weeks, we (HomeShop and Beijing Urban Farmers Union’s Jonas Nakonz) have been preparing a pilot project for urban aquaponics in HomeShop. The aim is to grow fish and vegetables in an integrated system on the roof. So far, we’ve been gathering information and creating a rough design for a 2000 Liter fish tank and about 10m2 of vegetables, in a geodesic dome greenhouse. Now it’s a matter of refining the design, sourcing components, and starting to build. We hope to add fish to our tank within a month from now. We would be glad for any contribution of ideas/skills in gardening, fish farming, building, engineering, web programming, translation, etc. Everybody is cordially invited to join our learning journey!

We meet at HomeShop this Saturday, March 9th at 2pm for a kickoff meeting. For newcomers, the idea of aquaponics will be introduced. We’ll discuss where we’re at and how to proceed. With a little luck, we may be ready to build the greenhouse structure that day. (If we aren’t killed by sandstorms.)

Beijing Urban Farmers Union

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