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Posts tagged ‘字母 letter’


“Letter”在英文中既有字母的意思,也指代信件。在DUSTbar的“字母表”中,每个字母代表一个人,他们曾经与DUSTbar相遇,并建立了友谊。比如,A代表“阿布”,B代表“本杰明”。在Google Maps的帮助下,上面的图片展示了DUSTbar的“关系地图”。更多细节:字母表



Spring is approaching along with the sand storms. Now it’s exact the right time for flying dust, and DUSTbar starts its new plan: letters wandering.

“Letter” means either an alphabetic character or a mail. Here in the DUSTbar’s “Alphabet”, each letter stands for one person who has ever encountered DUSTbar and built up friendship with it. For example, A stands for “A Bu”, B stands for “Benjamin”. With the help of Google maps, the picture above shows the relation-map of DUSTbar. More details: Alphabet

Meanwhile, letters (mails) also hide the intimate relationship between two. As the sand storm blows, DUSTbar sends the letters to each letter on the “Alphabet”. Open it to see how the memories/emotions are left in photos/words.

When will the dust fly to your home?