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Posts tagged ‘核动力 nuclear power’

Film : Into Eternity by Michael Madsen (79min)

English and Japanese subtitled

Date: Saturday 31st March 19:00~ / Saturday 7th April 19:00~

location: 家作坊 HomeShop[map]

cost: 60yuan (with Hot sandwich and drink)
money will support running cost of HomeShop and a Japanese documentary filmmaker who works on nuclear power issues in Japan

The 2011 earthquake and resulting nuclear power disaster in Fukushima, Japan showed that the world’s resources are finite, while causing long-term dysfunctions of current social systems in the cities, where life with Cesium will have to be confronted for extended and indeterminate periods of time. And who imagine that nuclear waste are stored for 100, 000 years!

Recent HomeShop visiting friend Vera Tollmann has written a review:

nuclear waste must be securely stored for 100,000 years due to its potentially lethal radioactive radiation. But where? How are we to relate to such an immense period of time? Is anyone at all in a position to take on the responsibility for this length of time?… more

Contact: NGO fu-jin Network Beijing and HomeShop