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Posts tagged ‘lose’

这个星期六下午六点(8月16号),邀请大家来胡同,在家作坊与街坊们见面,一起庆祝“失败者“的聚会。哦,对了,奥运会没有什么项目在这里,但是我们有DJ Mellow Yellow、她刚刚从柏林回到北京、为我们的“失败者“聚会准备一场特别的表演、我们还可以用家作坊牌大投影在街边玩wii游戏,有饮料和烧烤,还有两张奥运会的门票会送给我们的“失败者”。再晚一点,我们还会放映Ralf Schmerberg/Radical Media、任波、何颖雅蔡凯的录象作品

This Saturday, 16 August 2008, from 18.00, come into the hutong and meet HomeShop and the neighbours as we celebrate the losers. The Olympic games aren’t happening here, but DJ Mellow Yellow comes back to Beijing from Berlin for a very special laptop set, and two Olympic event tickets will be given away to one very special loser! Hang out with chuan’r and drinks, play wii sports live in the street via the HomeShop projection, and later in the evening view short films from Ralf Schmerberg/Radical Media, Ren Bo, Elaine Ho and Cai Kai.

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这个“失败者”派对,是由段宝林和家作坊组织的。Party for the Losers is brought to you by Pauline Doutreluingne and HomeShop.