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random tidbits and news, all the engagements around the “real” activity:

>> 家作坊《穿》杂志的“DIY发行计划”已经开始了!《穿》已经通过我们亲爱的邮递员从北京来到了上海(感谢Ed!),鹿特丹(谢谢你,Michael Y!),柏林(再次感谢Michael Y!),纽约(感谢Qingqing,Josh和Jocko!),多伦多(感谢Barbara和Stephanie!),还有日内瓦(谢谢飞雅!)。上面的图片是背着我们家作坊“户外/室内两用包”的飞雅在徒步行走的样子,包包里面你们知道装的是什么!有人要即将进行旅游吗?想得到一个“户外/室内两用包”吗?我们需要您强健的臂膀和支持!快联系并加入我们的队伍吧!

>> CPU:PRO的Edward Sanderson最近到访了家作坊并和我们中的一些人有过一次简短的讨论,这是他正在进行的中国“非主流”艺术空间考察项目的一部分,这里是我们的谈话记录。

>> 经过了漫长的拖延和等待,最新一期的关注与艺术与当代公共空间的《公共》杂志终于出版发行了,何颖雅 和Sean Smith在这期杂志上发布了一篇讨论我们2008奥运会期间的公共介入的文章。

>> 最近在家作坊听到了有人说:“我爱你家?那是个错误!” 您自己过来跟我们不专业但是很认真的房屋中介谈一下确认吧!《我爱你家》现在还在继续展出中。

>> HomeShop’s DIY distribution scheme is well underway, with copies of wear journal traveling via friendly couriers from Beijing to Shanghai (thank you, Ed!), Rotterdam (thank you, Michael Y!), Berlin (thank you again, Michael Y!), New York (thank you, Qingqing and Josh and Jocko!), Toronto (thank you Barbara & Stephanie!) and Geneva (thank you, Bea!). Pictured above is our very own Beatrice Ferrari trekking with the HomeShop in-and-out-of-house bag, filled with you-know-what. Any of you all travelling anytime soon? Want an in-and-out-of-house bag? We need your muscular arms and support. Please contact us to participate!

>> CPU:PRO‘s Edward Sanderson recently came by and had a short discussion with some of us as part of his ongoing research into “alternative” art spaces in China. See the transcript of our talk here.

>> After much delay, the latest issue of Public Journal has been published, devoted to the screen in art and contemporary public space. Elaine W. Ho and Sean Smith contribute with an article discussing our interventions during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

And recently overheard at HomeShop: “我爱你家?那是个错误! I Love Your Home? Now that’s wrong!” Come speak with our lovely agents, 《我爱你家 I Love Your Home》now still on view.

3 Responses to “from “我不知道 i don’t know” 的 intangible cultural activity in china”

  1. f

    report from berlin: three copies of wear arrived safe at the train station (thank you, Michael!)

  2. ROSE


  3. e

    further thinking after talk with Edward, notes on the “series” and the “event”:

    “a canvas is just a layer of a series ‘happening’ or ‘eventing’ on a space which is transgressed, a series is a layer of work, work is life, which is a layer for everything.” (Alexandra Pereira, on the work of Bracha L. Ettinger)

    “It is rather one way of understanding the sub-symbolic, affective transformative process of the aesthetic encounter. Someone else’s event resonates in me; the encounter becomes the place in which the event becomes lively, without any mutual knowledge. Events I do not know in myself and the others I already carry may also resonate through the encounter in and through the structuring by artistic form that is the condition of it being an art event.” (Griselda Pollock, One Painting Opens onto the Many)