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>>  这周末《穿》杂志到了台北牯嶺街参加第十屆牯嶺街創意書香市集!估计我们的杂志正随着一辆三轮车在四处转悠,看见的话帮我们打个叫呼~
>>  This weekend WEAR journal is in Taipei for the 2010 Guling Street Independent Art Book Fair, we believe traveling on a cart somewhere. Keep a look out.

>>  《穿》杂志近期进入了两个新国际书店:伦敦的Donlon Books和维也纳的Walther König分店。非常感谢我们的快递人Michael EDDY植村絵美Ulrike JOHANNSEN
>>  Two new international stockists: Donlon Books, London, and Walther König, Wien. Thank you to our gentle couriers Michael EDDY, Emi UEMURA and Ulrike JOHANNSEN~

>>  《艺术典藏》杂志9-10月期登载了一篇关于“小运动”的文章。家作坊被收录其中,谢谢卢迎华~
>>  HomeShop was recently featured in the September/October issue of Yishu Journal of Contemporary Art. Check out Carol Yinghua LU’s “Little Movements”.

3 Responses to “HEI 嘿 HEY 布告 news: 11/2010”

  1. emi

    ho chan

    You should also mention Uli’s name, she did real job at Walther Koning.

    Uli at Walther Koenig

    peace out

  2. 家作坊 HomeShop

    oh yes, thank you for pointing that out. apologies, Uli! added now~

  3. 王玫瑰
