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At yesterday’s Country Fair initiated by Emi UEMURA, Farmer DUAN’s daughter hangs around (on top of) baba’s organic produce. [摄影 photos by: Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA

我们尽力为“胡同儿”贡献三个有机农产品生产者和他们的产品(芳嘉园德润屋,和圣林生态农庄)的努力,最终阵亡在阵阵刺耳的批判声中:“谁会相信你啊!哈?你们这帮人真的是在这里做生意的吗?这些资料真的是你们的吗?现在人人都可以从网上下载这些东西……” “不信任”成了我们最主要的问题,一个泡沫塑料箱子,一台生锈的三轮车,两个在街头销售产品的乱头发女孩,显然不是能让精明而警惕的路人信服的包装方式。吴以楠不怕:“没关系,我的皮很厚!这一点菜农在我们动身出发的时候就已经提醒过我们,他们知道自己的劳动是一个腐败、贪婪、丝毫不关心人们健康和安全的违规满的市场的一抠抠儿。但没关系,我们皮厚厚地坚持了一天,于是我们做了一个小小的实验,只卖了很少的产品,但让少数人注意到了我们的集市,并且对公众对于与街边小贩、农产品市场和市场美学的态度做了一点田野调查。

Our meagre efforts to hit the hutongs with goods from three of the city’s organic producers—芳嘉园 Farmer DUAN, 德润屋 DERUNWU and 圣林生态农庄 SUNLIN Farm—result in harsh critical criticism: Who’s going to trust you? Ha! Are you guys making any real business here? What kind of printed material do you have? Anyone can download something from the internet. Mistrust is the major issue here, and a styrofoam box, rusty tricycle and two bed-headed sales girls are just not the right kind of packaging to convince wise-cracking passersby. The farmers warned us when we set out, as they know that their work is niche of the niche within a market overrun by corruption, greed and little personal concern for general health/safety. Sunday says, “It doesn’t matter. I have a hard heart.” And so we embarked upon a little experiment, selling very little but pointing a few people towards the fair and engaging in a bit of field work about public attitudes towards street sellers, the produce market and marketing aesthetics.

感谢絵美和其他所有对集市做出贡献的朋友们!Thank you to Emi and all the others who helped to make the Country Fair possible!

2 Responses to “在集市摆的酷姿势 // so nonchalant at the country fair…”

  1. emi

    This is one of the hottest party in this event! Actually, your way of interacting with people on the street is that how it should be, and challenging but so honest way of communication.

  2. Ling
