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有种. 你有种ING. 有你的吗?

                                  Do you have yours yet? 



北京外的朋友们 ——> 含邮费寄到 亚洲欧洲和北美 ! 到其它地方
For friends outside of Beijing ——> order with shipping to Asia Europe or N. Americaother places

在北京的铁哥们儿/姐们儿 ——> 立刻订!68 元/本免费快递 (细阅以下内容)
And for those lucky yous in the rings of Beijing ——> order NOW! RMB 68 with free delivery (see below for details)
[别忘啊,留您的姓名、地址、联系电话、递送时间和杂志数量——谢谢支持! Make sure you include # of copies, name, address, phone number, delivery time.]


穿》第三期终于出来了,像个斯巴达勇士,穿的不多,但浑身腱子肉。因此它更具穿透力,穿插在不同的系统,话语与现实之间。与其它表里不一的 出版物不同(多数的杂志 封面材料与内容页不同),每期《穿》的装帧设计都很丢脸(即试图将自身的面目在表里的模糊中丢掉)。言归正传,本期的《穿》围绕“你有种”这一时髦用语,从批判理论,微观政治与艺术生产三个方向娓娓道来:有种即种子于某主体中的存在但它在日常交流中所具有的“有胆色”,“胆子大”等含义却不可避免地把主体的边界和限制打破在从内在的“有”向外在的行动或行为的运动中达成了自身作为种子的生长。因此它不仅是一系列滚雪球活动(如种子炸弹,城市探险等)的发射台,更是一个在影评人,有机市集发起人与艺术行动主义者等个体间展开的关于中国当代境遇的讨论的潜在节点。

WEAR journal finally arrives to its third issue in spartan outfit: double-pleated, DIY and pretty much naked. Following the first two issues’ design of a coverless magazine about urban dress, this issue thinks about the fashionable phrase “你有种 nǐ yŏu zhŏng” in a few of the other realms where HomeShop likes to dwell: critical theory, micropolitics and artistic production. “有种 yŏu zhŏng“—literally meaning “to have seed” and metaphorically insinuating that one is ballsy or daring—becomes here more than a launchpad for a series of rolling activities (like seed bombing or urban exploring); it is also the point of potential from which the likes of a film critic, organic market organizers and artist-activists engage in a context-specific dialogue on the global realities at play in China.

9/10Vincent BONIN小欧 Orianna CACCHIONE马艾迪 Michael EDDYAndrea FRANCKE高灵 GAO LingAlex GIBBS何颖雅 Elaine W. HO静远 JING洛歌 Gordon LAURINFotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA麦巅 MAI DianAn Xiao MINAJeremy O’SULLIVAN欧阳潇 OUYANG Xiao曲一箴 QU YizhenStephanie ROTHENBERG植村絵美 Emi UEMURA王尘尘 Cici WANG王念华 Dan S. WANG张献民 ZHANG Xianmin子杰 ZI Jie




 and on Saturday, 20 October 
            from 10 am to 10 pm  
receive wear journal’s free personal delivery service 

为庆祝《穿》杂志第三期成功出版,下个星期家作坊果断决定拓展我们的业务覆盖范围。作为本期杂志中城市探险系列的延伸,我们会无所不用其极地将杂志送到您的门前。无论是步行,骑车,坐地铁还是直接空降,只要您在北京,我们就会想办法兑现这个承诺。当然,城市的边界十分难以判定,但对于边界的挑战正是有种的精髓。 您能让我们跑多远呢?

Next weekend, HomeShop will celebrate WEAR number three with a continuation of the urban explorations that are featured in the issue. This time our happy adventurers are coming right to your doorstep to personally courier the new issue to you. Friendly agents will walk, bike, ride the subway or fly to you anywhere in Beijing, and where that city limit may be a bit fuzzy, of course stretching the limits is what ballsy is all about. How far will you make us go?

请立即订购!我们将在10月20日在您指定的时间范围内将杂志送到。我们途中的所见所闻都将被记录下来并在21日举行的《穿》三出版仪式上与前来参与活动的嘉宾们分享。届时我们还将组织视频与音频放映,《穿》参与者现场讨论等单元的活动。 让我们共度美好周末,周六你家,周日俺家。心动了吧?既无公害又批判又行动主义又文艺范儿十足。《穿》——nubility level:high

Place your order now and we’ll deliver WEAR to you on Saturday, 20 October, within your specified time frame. All of these trips will be documented in some way and the results will be shared at the launch celebration on Sunday, 21 October (from 4pm). We’ll be screening audio/video excerpts and engaging in spontaneous dialogue with you and many of the contributors on hand. Let’s spend the weekend together, your place on Saturday, and ours on Sunday. Sexy, eh? No! It’s organic and critical and activist and arty. Hurrah for WEAR!


抢先订购的朋友还将受到惊喜小礼包哦! And the first eight people to place an order will receive an additional surprise~

4 Responses to “《穿》杂志第三期 WEAR journal number three 。”

  1. a妞妞chka

    can we also order for other people?? — if so, then I’ll place my own order first and then hand over the moolah for other deliveries during the delivery of my own order (a friend took the copy that I already bought…)

  2. 家作坊 HomeShop

    @a妞妞chka ,what a splendid idea… you’ve always been a good gift giver… just send your orders with all the addresses/contacts/delivery times to wear@homeshop.org.cn. Thanks for all the support!

  3. Beijing’s WEAR Journal… and My First Comic | an xiao studio: the virtual studio of an xiao mina

    […] WEAR Journal, published and produced by HomeShop Beijing, is now out!  I have a four-page graphic essay which I developed with the amazing art historian Orianna Cacchione, who’s posing above.  Here’s more about the journal’s theme this year: WEAR journal finally arrives to its third issue in spartan outfit: double-pleated, DIY and pretty much naked. Following the first two issues’ design of a coverless magazine about urban dress, this issue thinks about the fashionable phrase “你有种 nǐ yŏu zhŏng” in a few of the other realms where HomeShop likes to dwell: critical theory, micropolitics and artistic production. “有种 yŏu zhŏng“—literally meaning “to have seed” and metaphorically insinuating that one is ballsy or daring—becomes here more than a launchpad for a series of rolling activities (like seed bombing or urban exploring); it is also the point of potential from which the likes of a film critic, organic market organizers and artist-activists engage in a context-specific dialogue on the global realities at play in China. […]

  4. 《穿》03 报告 WEAR oh-3 report | 家作坊 HomeShop

    […] 一个周六的北京城217.6公里狂走送货上门纪录: material captured during our Saturday deliveries of WEAR journal in Beijing city, otherwise known as 217.6 km later…: […]