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Posts tagged ‘技术 technology’

For the next meeting of the Happy Friends Reading Club, scheduled for 5 pm on Sunday, September 1st, 2013 we will cover chapters 8–10 of Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier (2013… read what you can).

Following a sequence of readings on science fiction, utopia, human economies, and value, we turn to the words of “the prophet of Silicon Valley” (Simon & Schuster, publisher) to wonder whether micropayments can redeem the promises of this dystopia we have sunk into. mmm, sounds a little Utopian.

Please leave a comment if you would like to receive a copy of the text.

For the next meeting of the Happy Friends Reading Club, we will be reading Donna Harraway’s essay from 1985, “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century.” We have versions in English and in Chinese to distribute, so please let us know if you want to receive a copy. 
The plan is to initially separate the language groups and then try a crossover, so language ability is not the ultimate human obstacle!

The meeting will take place at HomeShop at 6 pm on July 22nd, 2012.

下一期的“快乐朋友阅读小组”我们将阅读哈洛威发表于1985年的论文《Cyborg宣言:20世紀晚期的科學、技術與社會女性主義》。供有中英 文版本。这一次,我们计划按语言分成两个小组进行分享,最后再两组一起讨论,所以语言就不成障碍啦。

2012年7月22日晚上6 点,欢迎来家作坊参加!