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Yŏu zhŏng jīngjì:  Global Hutong Economics

日期 date:  2012年3月24日,星期六晚上八点 / Saturday 24 March 2012, 20.00
地点 location:  家作坊 HomeShop [地图 / map


Where does the macroeconomy begin, and from whose eye-view can we understand the impossibly complex global economy? Financial analyst and reporter Eva WOO will begin her account on Beiertiao, from the point of view of what we eat, where we live and how we exchange on a daily level. As an accumulation, we can assume that those repetitive actions determine the enormous Chinese economy. But WOO will also show how the moods, the gambles and the controls of the macroeconomy come to determine our daily levels just as much. 

吴莹介绍 About Eva:

2011年夏天成为某美国对冲基金中国顾问研究员之前,吴莹大部分职业生涯都在干新闻。改行的原因?她认为自己崇拜的金融作家迈 克尔刘易斯之所以与众不同的重要原因是因为他曾在业内卧底。吴莹曾在中国为南华早报/华盛顿邮报/财经/财新/彭博新闻社工作过,在纽约为华尔街日报和商 业周刊网站工作过。作为第一个获得华尔街日报亚洲奖学金的中国记者,全球金融危机中,她恰好在纽约大学攻读商业经济报道 硕士学位。更早些时候她曾就读于北京大学和广东外语外贸大学。她最大的兴趣是用显微镜和望远镜同时观测事物,然后用大白话解释它们。


Eva WOO had been pursuing journalism for most of her career, until she became a China analyst for a U.S. based hedge fund in the summer 2011. She made the transition because she believes what makes Michael Lewis such an outstanding financial writer had to do with the fact that he used to be “one of them”.  Eva had reported for SCMP/WashingtonPost/Caijing/Caixin/Bloomberg in China, WSJ and BusinessWeek in New York. As the first Chinese reporter to be granted WSJ Asia fellowship, she did her Masters in Business and Economic Reporting at NYU right in the middle of global financial crisis. Earlier she studied in Peking University and Guangzhou University of Foreign Studies. She loves making sense of things, using both a microscope and a macro framework, and explaining them in human language.

Eva WOO has been based at the HomeShop workshare space since the autumn of 2011.

2 Responses to “[“家工作坊” Home-Work-Shop No. 007] 有种经济 yŏu zhŏng jīngjì: 全球化胡同经济学 Global Hutong Economics”

  1. sportsbabel

    Translation: WP >> FB:


  2. oddldl

    这个太牛了 支持ING!