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我们邀请到 Alessandro Rolandi(李山) 作为嘉宾,他将选用农夫市集的食材为大家烹饪意大利烩饭。作为交换,他会请客人在中国老式糖果包装纸上写上“一个消息到西部”,这些糖果将在今年年底在罗马展出。


On Sunday October 13th, from 11:00 to 16:00 at Sanyuan Qiao Phoenix City (See the Map), HomeShop will hold its fifth edition of True and False as part of the Beijing Farmers’ Market and Country Fair.

Our guest is Alessandro Rolandi, who will be offering visitors tastes of his Italian risotto c0oked on-site using materials available in the market. In exchange, he will ask visitors to write their “Message to the West” on vintage Chinese candy wrappers that will be distributed with candy to gallery-goers at Gallery Apart, Rome, as part of the group show ‘Subterfuge’, opening January 18th 2014.




On Thursday October 3rd, from 11:00 to 16:00 at INDIGO mall, HomeShop will hold its fourth edition of True and False as part of the Beijing Farmers’ Market and Country Fair.

Our guest is the Beijing-based Diao Dui Collective, who will be producing a version of their juice-work 卖权猫——千万饮料 (mai quan mao). Please come and try!

真和假第三期 True and False 3
HomeShop @ Beijing Farmers’ Market



我们的嘉宾是维他命艺术空间”这个店“。本期为北京有机农夫市集三周年庆典活动。北京有机农夫市集的前身是市集,2010年9月18日, 市集于2010年夏季维他命艺术空间所在地首次举办。

请点击http://www.flickr.com/photos/64090761@N03 查阅Country Fair早期图片。

On Friday September 20th, from 11:00 to 16:00 at INDIGO mall, HomeShop will hold its third edition of True and False as part of the Beijing Farmers’ Market and Country Fair.

Our guest is Vitamin Creative Space’s the Shop. This edition of “True and False” marks the third anniversary of the Beijing Farmers Market, which began as the Country Fair at Vitamin Creative Space’s summer 2010 location in Caochangdi on September 18th, 2010. You are welcome to join the celebration!

More images of Country Fair’s beginnings: http://www.flickr.com/photos/64090761@N03

About the Shop:

the shop 这个店

4, “这个店”作为展览,作为生活哲学的现实界面,将是一个寄生在公共空间的小公共区域,更直接地促成创造行为和日常生活关系的转化;并揭示在非机构性的空间内一种新的创作形态;
5,“这个店”的形态会因不同创作者的加入而产生变化,展示的作品也将发生演变, 并随展出情境的变化而变化。

1. the shop will take the form of a “shop” within public space;
2. the shop will exhibit pieces inspired by individual experience, made by emerging Chinese artists, fashion designers and various young creators, and can all be used in daily life.
Through viewing and using these objects, viewers will be able to experience the signals for “thought” and “action” that this space emanates.
3. Aside from viewing the “products”, one can also purchase them, the shop thus transforms the shopping process into a new mode of communication.
4. As an exhibition, the shop presents a tangible interface of the philosophy of life. It will generate a non-hierarchical medium within the public space, for people to experience and re-discover life’s energy;
5. The physical form of the shop and the works presented will evolve depending on the participating artists and circumstances surrounding the exhibition;
6, the shop attempts to dissolve the separation between subject and object, hence further stimulating the integration between life and art. It allows for personal approaches to the pursuit for and realisation of a “better life” in our times.

See more:

真和假第二期 True and False 2
HomeShop @ Beijing Farmers’ Market


On Saturday July 27th, from 11:00 to 16:00 at INDIGO mall HomeShop will hold its second edition of True and False as part of the Beijing Farmers’ Market and Country Fair, hosting  two activities.

12:00 pm — 酒仙桥艺术之旅 Jiuxianqiao Art Tour

艺术的转基因作用,被转基因后的艺术。假作真来,真亦假。真作假来,假亦真…与 “见”赏大师一起去发现有机艺术…

This tour of the new international art works in the Jiuxianqiao area addresses the transgenetic function of  art, and the genetically modified art: When the false is considered true, the true is the false, when the true is considered false, the false is the true… Let’s find organic art together…

全天 all day — 蔬菜洗礼仪式 Vegetable Purification Ceremony

修女艾丽萨 安妮 玛丽 玛丽亚 主持的蔬菜祝福服务主持。

Led by Sister Eliza-Annie-Mary-Maria
Bring your produce for a ritual blessing. Guaranteed to enhance taste. 

真和假 True and False
HomeShop @ Beijing Farmers’ Market



6月10日周一上午11点到17点颐堤港购物中心将举办“真和假”活动第一期。澳大利亚艺术团队“平常美术馆”(Normal Gallery)将展出一些他们从澳大利亚买回来的“澳大利亚原住民纪念品”。这次展出的纪念品都是在中国制造,然后出口往澳大利亚,并卖给在当地旅游的人——而这些人大多数是中国游客。 “平常美术馆”(Normal Gallery)(Matthew Greaves, Daniel Stephen Miller, Rohan Schwartz) 将这些纪念品带到中国公众面前,而无需他们乘坐长途飞机去澳大利亚购买。“平常美术馆”还把这些原住民纪念品重新涂上了颜色,让它们看起来就像白人冲浪者,可以说是用一种扭曲的循环方式转变了不同文化符号。 家作坊也将在当天展出自己种植并制作的产品。

待续: @farmersmarketbj


Over the summer of 2013, HomeShop will participate as a special guest of 北京有机农夫市集 Country Fair & Beijing Farmers’ Market in a bi-weekly series of artistic contributions titled “True and False.”

True and False #1

For the first edition, from 11 am to 5 pm on Monday June 10th at Indigo Mall, Melbourne-based collaboration Normal Gallery (Matthew Greaves, Daniel Stephen Miller and Rohan Schwartz) will be selling 400 hand-modified miniature figurines of Australian Aboriginals (originally made and hand-painted in China) repainted as archetypal caucasian beachgoers.  The figurines will be sold in their country of origin at the original cost price (4RMB each) to address the sovereignty, provenance and legitimacy of these exemplars of Australiana.

HomeShop will also offer a number of home-grown objects to the public.

More info: @farmersmarketbj