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Posts tagged ‘菜谱 recipe’

This is a sneak-peak-foreshadowing-harbinger kind of thing of some up and coming plans at HomeShop, tied in ever so subtly to this year’s 有种 BALLSY series. We have actually been a bit more subtle-quiet-uneventful than in previous series, but mind you this may also have to do with some deep internalisation that any real ballsy-ness requires. I―ahem, E.S.!―would like to understand BALLSY with reference to that constant movement, perhaps of the sort that Agamben speaks about, always in relation to lack, but not necessarily productivity (relief in new one-liners: A Designer Who Does Not Produce). There is a movement whereby “that which if it is, is as if it wasn’t, it lacks itself (manca a se stesso), and if it isn’t, is as if it was, it exceeds itself.”

You may have no clue what we’re getting at here, but little monkey let’s just leave it at that for now. If you would like more information or the recipe for 吴以楠 WU Yinan‘s beauty balls, just leave a comment to this post.






  1. 将莴笋切丁,叶子切碎,鸡腿肉add料酒、淀粉、盐、一点点五香粉,抓匀腌制5-10分钟。
  2. 油烧8成热倒入鸡腿肉,炒至变色,倒入莴笋丁。
  3. 翻炒至快熟前倒入莴笋叶,加入适量盐继续翻炒。
  4. 熄火,加味精少许,装盘。




  1. 将土豆切丁装盘。
  2. 奶油切薄片均匀的盖在土豆上,然后按个人口味均匀放入盐、孜然、百里香叶
  3. 上锅蒸25分钟左右。
  4. 取出后用勺子慢慢压制成泥,搅拌均匀
  5. 整形,撒一点黑芝麻,完工。

– 转载自《人生就像绕口令》,转载于2010年7月17日 / First published 17 July 2010 by WU Yinan at Life is Like a Tongue Twister.