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真和假第二期 True and False 2
HomeShop @ Beijing Farmers’ Market


On Saturday July 27th, from 11:00 to 16:00 at INDIGO mall HomeShop will hold its second edition of True and False as part of the Beijing Farmers’ Market and Country Fair, hosting  two activities.

12:00 pm — 酒仙桥艺术之旅 Jiuxianqiao Art Tour

艺术的转基因作用,被转基因后的艺术。假作真来,真亦假。真作假来,假亦真…与 “见”赏大师一起去发现有机艺术…

This tour of the new international art works in the Jiuxianqiao area addresses the transgenetic function of  art, and the genetically modified art: When the false is considered true, the true is the false, when the true is considered false, the false is the true… Let’s find organic art together…

全天 all day — 蔬菜洗礼仪式 Vegetable Purification Ceremony

修女艾丽萨 安妮 玛丽 玛丽亚 主持的蔬菜祝福服务主持。

Led by Sister Eliza-Annie-Mary-Maria
Bring your produce for a ritual blessing. Guaranteed to enhance taste. 





3.自我组织出版物Concrete Flux的介绍




On Sunday, July 14th, from 7 pm, celebrate the storming of the Bastille and the birth of the modern nation with us at HomeShop’s July potluck.

A number of presentations will burst into the courtyard, including:

— Self-Defense Qi Gong by Zhu Feng

— A preview of HomeShop’s “Party Time” Project

— An introduction of the independent journal Concrete Flux by its editors

The menu will reflect this momentous date appropriately.

RSVP by Saturday at: lianxi@homeshop.org.cn

Max. 30 places, 30 元 per person.

For the next meeting of the Happy Friends Reading Club, we will read the final chapter of “Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value” (2001) by David Graeber (Chapter 7: “The False Coin of our own Dreams”). The meeting will take place at 5 pm on Sunday, July 21st at HomeShop.

On a string of meetings on utopia, events, and non-visible energy—all things not quite in existence, at least not to the naked eye—we follow with a chapter from anthropologist David Graeber’s questioning of value as “blind spot” of anthropology. For even in this field, concerned with understanding cultures of the other, there is a common risk of understanding value in economic terms. From the introduction:

“If one reads a lot of anthropology, it is hard to escape the impression that theories of value are all the rage of late. One certainly sees references to ‘value’ and ‘theories of value’ all the time—usually thrown out in such a way as to suggest there is a vast and probably very complicated literature lying behind them.1 If one tries to track this literature down, however, one quickly runs into problems. In fact it is extremely difficult to find a system- atic “theory of value” anywhere in the recent literature; and it usually turns out to be very difficult to figure out what body of theory, if any, that any particular author who uses the term “value” is drawing on. Sometimes, one suspects it is this very ambiguity that makes the term so attractive.” (p. 1)

Please leave a comment for a copy of the text!

Your presence valued greatly!

“无形” non-visible videostills

a project by Asako Iwama and Derrick Wang
June 21-23
家作坊 HomeShop

The “non-visible” project has evolved from a series of video interviews with various practitioners in Europe and China with experiences or familiarity working with non-visible energy, or ‘qi’. Interviewees have included dancers, cognitive scientists, Feng Shui and I Ching masters, psychics, traditional medicine doctors and physicists. 

How can the non-visible be made visible and/or comprehensible? We would suggest that we are constantly swinging between the two poles of subjective and objective reality. Through the process of our interviews, we have attempted to find points of connection between the various practices we have encountered, while acknowledging our own groundlessness in terms of having to constantly transform our perceptions and expectations of the people we have met. 

In a film installation and series of events organized during the June solstice and under the full moon (June 21-23), we hope that some of the hidden layers contained in our interactions and recordings will become visible to or felt by those who participate, and that a new understanding of the non-visible may emerge.

Friday June 21
18:00-20:00 reading and discussion with the Happy Friends Reading Group (download reading material)
20:00-22:00 film installation

Saturday June 22
18:00-20:00 book reading and discussion with Du Shun Gie Laoshi (Feng Shui master), Zhang Li Rem Laoshi (Yijing master), Eva Bergwall (eurythmy teacher and healer), Hartmut Walter (acoustic and vibration engineer), Zhu Feng (Qi Gong master) and other guests
20:00-22:00 film installation

Sunday June 23
19:00 dinner prepared by Emi Uemura and Asako Iwama and open discussion (organic & vegetarian dinner, cost 88RMB, reservation required; please email lianxi@homeshop.org.cn)
20:00-22:00 film installation

Asako Iwama (born in Tokyo, Japan) is an artist and cook, who lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Asako Iwama’s practice has developed around the idea of the ontology of eating. Referring to the social aspects of eating as a metaphor of our relation to nature, Iwama seeks to transform the perception of nourishment, both aesthetically and epistemologically within her practice and work.

Derrick Wang (born in Montreal, Canada) is a second generation Chinese from Canada who has a background in architecture, and is currently working as a filmmaker in Beijing, China.

in collaboration with HomeShop / Emi Uemura, Michael Eddy, Qu Yizhen, Tan Zhengjie, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga


项目发起人:岩間朝子,Derrick Wang
家作坊 HomeShop




18:00-20:00 乐友读书会及讨论(阅读内容在此下载
20:00-22:00 影像装置 

18:00-20:00 读书会及与风水大师杜顺杰、易经大师张力壬、音语舞老师治疗师Eva Bergwall、声学和振动的物理工程师Hartmut Walter、气功大师朱峰等特邀嘉宾进行讨论
20:00-22:00 影像装置

19:00 晚餐及公开讨论(有机素食,88元/人,由植村絵美和岩間朝子掌厨,请邮件预定:lianxi@homeshop.org.cn
20:00-22:00 影像装置

岩間朝子(出生于日本东京),艺术家及厨师,生活和工作在德国柏林。岩間的实践和研究主要围绕于“吃”的本体论。鉴于“吃”作为某种社会文化现象所隐喻的人类与自然关系, 岩間旨在于美学和认识论上转换人对饮食的认知。

Derrick Wang(出生于加拿大蒙特利尔),加拿大华人第二代,拥有建筑学背景,目前作为导演在北京工作。

合作者:家作坊/ 植村絵美, Michael Eddy, 曲一箴, 谭争劼, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga


Supported by ifa – Institut für Auslandbeziehungen e.V.






  • 举办全天的交换市集
  • 组织种子换种子以及书换书
  • 安排以“可替代经济”为主题的演说及讨论



1:30-2:15 —  “集资在中国”… 何峰,demohour公司的创始人主讲(中文)

2:30-3:15 — “北京的另类空间和价值”… 家作坊,艺术家群落空间和北京城市农民联盟创始人联合主持(中/英文)

3:30-4:15 — “股东,利益相关者,和群落”… 傅强主持,北京外国语大学,IES北京中心驻地学者。目前在本大学讲授中国的环境,政府,市民社会和外交政策等课程。卡尔利斯Rokpelnis,民族大学民族生态学学生(中/英文)

4:30-5:15  —  “奇怪的经济:利用市场机制提高公平性和幸福”的优点和缺点,Raya Yampolsky致力于北京环境和国际事务交叉处的事业,探讨满足二十一世纪需求的系统性的解决方案。(英文)


想要来参加,您只需要把您不再需要的各种宝贝们在6月15日12点至晚6点期间带到家作坊,参加宝贝交换!不过你得小心哦,我们Waobao团队可是会对 您的宝贝们进行鉴定估“价”,甚至会决定拒收您太过破旧的宝贝们。我们也欢迎您来交换您的技能或是服务,比如说语言课、烹饪课什么的。所有宝物,先到先 得;特别棒的呢,我们会在18点开始拍“卖”!

北京市东城区交道口北二条8号,邮编:100007 (北新桥地铁西北方向第二个胡同)电话 (中): 13811809604


WaoBao! 3!

Date and time:
June 15th, 12-7PM

On Saturday June 15th leave your wallets at home and take part in HomeShop’s third edition of WaoBao!, where crowds from all corners of the city gather together and swap to their heart’s content. Organized by members of HomeShop (artist-run community space and founders of Beijing Urban Farmers Union) and Suvi Rautio (co-organizer of brandnu’s shipping container swap event held in March, 2012), Waobao is a no-money zone swapping bazaar with all day creative workshops and talks exploring sustainable lifestyles.

This year WaoBao! will feature:

  • An all-day participatory swapping bazaar
  • Seed-swap and book-share groups organized sporadically throughout the day
  • Talks and open discussions under the heading “Alternative Economies”



1:30-2:15 — “Crowdfunding in China” … He Feng, Co-founder of Demohour (CN)

2:30-3:15 — “Beijing’s Alternative Spaces and Value” … HomeShop, Artist-run community space and founders of Beijing Urban Farmers Union (CN/ENG)

3:30-4:15 — “Shareholder, Stakeholder, and Community” … Chad Futrell 傅强, Resident Scholar at the IES Beijing Center at Beijing Foreign Studies University where he teaches courses on China’s environment, government, civil society, and foreign policy; Karlis Rokpelnis, Ethnoecology PhD candidate at Minzu University. (CN/EN)

4:30-5:15 — “Strange Economies: The merits and shortcomings of using market-based mechanisms to increase equitability and well-being” … Raya Yampolsky, Pursuing a career at the intersection of environmental and international affairs in Beijing to explore systemic solutions to meet the needs of the 21st century. (ENG)


To take part, all you need to do is bring all your unwanted goods to HomeShop on June 15th from 12 to 6pm and swap! Do keep in mind, the WaoBao! team can appraise or reject broken or damaged goods at their discretion. We are also open for participants to swap services and skills, such as language and cooking classes.  All items go on a first come, first served basis, and selected priority items will be set aside to be auctioned off at 6pm on the day.

Jiaodaokou Beiertiao Number 8 (second hutong north-west from Beixinqiao subway)
Beijing 100007 Dongcheng District. Tel (EN): 15001127304



WaoBao! 2 照片 pictures!

To follow updates over the next couple of days visit the HomeShop websiteDoubanFacebook events pages or follow our posts on Weibo @jiazuofang & @我是小苏v. 

欲知活动各种细节,请在活动前访问家作坊网站, Facebook 或者刷刷微博 @jiazuofang / @我是小苏v,逛逛豆瓣小组。 

WaoBao Helpers!: If you would like to participate in volunteering to help prepare and assist in running the event, please get in touch with Suvi (suviprautio@gmail.com) or Michael (michaelceddy@gmail.com)

支持WaoBao!:如果你愿意以志愿者身份加入并帮助我们做活动的准备工作,请与Suvi (suviprautio@gmail.com) 或迈克尔 (michaelceddy@gmail.com) 联系。

See you on Saturday! 

真和假 True and False
HomeShop @ Beijing Farmers’ Market



6月10日周一上午11点到17点颐堤港购物中心将举办“真和假”活动第一期。澳大利亚艺术团队“平常美术馆”(Normal Gallery)将展出一些他们从澳大利亚买回来的“澳大利亚原住民纪念品”。这次展出的纪念品都是在中国制造,然后出口往澳大利亚,并卖给在当地旅游的人——而这些人大多数是中国游客。 “平常美术馆”(Normal Gallery)(Matthew Greaves, Daniel Stephen Miller, Rohan Schwartz) 将这些纪念品带到中国公众面前,而无需他们乘坐长途飞机去澳大利亚购买。“平常美术馆”还把这些原住民纪念品重新涂上了颜色,让它们看起来就像白人冲浪者,可以说是用一种扭曲的循环方式转变了不同文化符号。 家作坊也将在当天展出自己种植并制作的产品。

待续: @farmersmarketbj


Over the summer of 2013, HomeShop will participate as a special guest of 北京有机农夫市集 Country Fair & Beijing Farmers’ Market in a bi-weekly series of artistic contributions titled “True and False.”

True and False #1

For the first edition, from 11 am to 5 pm on Monday June 10th at Indigo Mall, Melbourne-based collaboration Normal Gallery (Matthew Greaves, Daniel Stephen Miller and Rohan Schwartz) will be selling 400 hand-modified miniature figurines of Australian Aboriginals (originally made and hand-painted in China) repainted as archetypal caucasian beachgoers.  The figurines will be sold in their country of origin at the original cost price (4RMB each) to address the sovereignty, provenance and legitimacy of these exemplars of Australiana.

HomeShop will also offer a number of home-grown objects to the public.

More info: @farmersmarketbj


带上任何可以发声的“乐器”,来参加由泰国爵士音乐家Pharadon Phonamnuai带来的即兴音乐工作坊,6月4日周二晚7点-9点,活动免费,私信报名
. 来参加吧!

Bring any and all “instruments” to participate in an improvisational jazz workshop at HomeShop with Chiang Mai-based saxophonist Pharadon Phonamnuai (Thailand).
 Free event, all welcome to join!

Pharadon是来自泰国清迈的爵士Sax乐手,目前领衔以下乐队:Kantok jazz Ensemble <Improvise, Avant-Garde Jazz>, Vachapuj Trio <Improvise> 和 the Bohemian Jazz Quartet. 

Pharadon Phonamnuai is saxophonist of the Kantok jazz Ensemble <Improv avantgarde jazz band>,Vachapuj trio <Improv band> and the Bohemian jazz quartet. He lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where he does some gigs and is a fixture of the jazz scene. Most nights of the week, he plays at the North Gate jazz co-op with a regular gig. He has toured throughout Thailand, with several trips  playing music overseas, including 2006-2008 in Kyoto Japan, and in 2004 spent a period of time in New York city, studying jazz.

Pharadon Phonamnuai : http://www.myspace.com/pharadonphonamnuai/


Jiaodaokou Beiertiao #8 Dongcheng Distr. Beijing
T__ +86 (0)10 8403 0952 

E__ lianxi@homeshop.org.cn

图片Drawing:  Emi Uemura

A Constructed World, Hospitality, 2001 (presented by Anna Hess, 2011)

For the following meeting of Happy Friends we will meet on Sunday June 9th at 5 pm to discuss texts from “Speech Object” (2011) by Australian artist group A Constructed World (Geoff Lowe and Jacqueline Riva). They will be present via Skype thanks to Guo Hao. When the question came out: what is this about? the following gentle suggestion was made by Geoff:

Re: speech object- how to consume?
Hey Hao

well I think maybe the best way is to read these 2 short texts
…try this at home p27
speech objects p73
both are very short
-or a bit longer
a new role or repertoire… p32

the idea is to begin to track how the audience may be involved in a work even before it is made

to think away  from creation and expression ( where an art work appears from nothing)
to translation and diffusion

so with the audience rather than thinking they don’t-know ( stupid public who have to be educated)
begin to think about how any work of art may have origins in its audience.

its a prompt its not a manual
the book rose out of an exhibition in 4 parts that attempted to chart how a work and its reception could move around in space and time

hope this helps a bit!

Please leave a comment to receive a link to the pdf.


The next meeting of the Happy Friends Reading Club will be held at HomeShop on Sunday June 2nd at 5 pm.

We will discuss the contents of the brief interview After the Event: Rationality and the Politics of Invention; An interview with Alain Badiou by Radical Politics between philosopher Alain Badiou and some students who form the Radical Politics Group at the University of Essex in 2003. From our brief foray into utopian studies, we wondered, can anything happen, does history exist, in utopia? And so the question of the event.

“It is imperative to understand that an event is always relative to a situation; it is an event for the situation, and not above or outside it. Consequently, when I say that an event is beyond calculation, beyond prediction, this is naturally beyond prediction within the situation of which the event is the supplement, or the added singularity. As such, the event is not in itself unintelligible: it is unintelligible in regard to the means of prediction, of forecast, or of continuity that are those of the situation. But the intelligibility of the event is created in the fidelity to the event.” —Alain Badiou

Please leave a message if you would like to receive the text.