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日历餐厅 Calendar Restaurant__ 七夕餐  7-threaded dinner
日期/时间 date__ 8月24日周五,晚上6点 | Friday, 24 August, 18:00
地点 location__ 家作坊 HomeShop

要预约 Reservation required

August 23rd is the 処暑 (Chǔshǔ) in 24 solar terms of Chinese calendar and known as the summer heat is decline. In solar calendar, it is July 7th; the day of well-known myth in China and Eastern Asian Country about the lover: princess and cow keeper could meet up on the sky with milky way only on this day. Calendar Restaurant invites 7 chefs that provide an evening for the 7 guests. We will explore our experience of Love (human kinds to romantic to friendship) with 7 dishes with sense of taste (Umami, Sour, Afrodiziack, Bitter, Salty, Hot, Sweet), 7 feelings, 7 music and 7 colors. Seasonal vegetables are also participating from HomeShop rooftop garden and Runtian Farm.

参 加厨师 Participating chefs__ 老羊 Lao Yang, 高灵 Gao Ling, 刘畅 Liu Chang, 马艾迪 Michael Eddy, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, Pilar Escuder, Petra Johnson
诗歌朗诵 Poetry reading__ 王尘尘 Wang Chen Chen

组织 日历餐厅 Calendar Restaurant by__ 植村絵美 Emi UEMURA and 方丹敏 Barbara FANG

支持 Supported by__ 家作坊 HomeShop, 潤田农园 Runtian Farm
价格 cost__  50元


日历餐厅介绍 About Calendar Restaurant__
日 历餐 厅是在种植季节期间每月开放一次的餐厅。它始于2010年7月至10月的一个艺术项目。自 2011年种植季节起,我们希望在日常生活和植物生长的时间表(这也是日历的来历)下探索这种实践。在日历餐厅,消费者变成厨师, 从我们的田园中采摘新鲜蔬菜, 并分享各自的经验。一起做好饭后, 大家围坐在一起,还会讨论一些更复杂的话题:健康、食品安全、社会、政治、天 气、中医、老北京烹饪、食物设计和储存-当然,这些看上去严肃的讨论并不会影响我们品尝美味。2011年我们的种植场地由小毛驴农场赞助,日历餐厅由家作 坊支持、2012年我们的种植场地由 潤田農園赞助,日历餐厅由家作坊支持。

Calendar Restaurant is a restaurant that opens once every month during the course of the farming season. It was initiated within the context of an art project from July to October, 2010. When farming started in 2011, we simply wanted to explore this practice within the framework of daily life and timeline of vegetables’ growth (that is where the calendar originates). In this restaurant, customers become cooks, working with fresh vegetables from our garden and sharing stories of their experiences. Once food is ready we sit together at one big table to discuss complex food issues: health, food safety, social systems, politics, weather, Chinese medicine, old Beijing cooking, food design and preservation ― but not to the point of making the taste muddy! This year our farm plot is supported by Runtian Farm and the restaurant is supported by HomeShop.


“七线餐”由家作坊组办,是家作坊和“与我行走”项目合作的第二个活动。 “与我同行”由德国艺术家Petra JOHNSON发起,将于2012-2013年期间在科隆和北京同时进行。“与我行走”项目得到北京德国文化中心·歌德学院(中国)和德国科隆市支持。
Organized by HomeShop, 7-threaded dinner is the second installment in a cooperation between HomeShop and Walk with Me, a project initiated by Petra JOHNSON, to be realized throughout 2012 and 2013, between Cologne and Beijing. Walk with Me is kindly supported by the Goethe-Institut Beijing and the city of Cologne.

让先人给让先人给我们指点迷津 Let’s get some help from the Dead

日期 date:  2012年4月4日(清明),星期三下午二点 / Wed 4 April (Tomb sweeping day) 2012, 14:00

地点 location: 家作坊 HomeShop[地图 / map

用费 cost: 44

人 类的延续,就是生命一个个轮回交替,为生者死,为死者生。今年我们会设计一个人形种植园(一直到5月20日),这象征着人的身体与自然的物质转换与平衡。 中国传统的清明节祭扫,会用各种食物祭奠先人,因此我们还尝试恢复清明节中另一个重要的部分——寒食节,因此今年我们除了会焚烧一些特殊的纸钱,还欢迎大 家来这里跟我们一起吃冷食过节。

For human survival, we receive other’s life for maintain our own life. Today is the perfect day to appreciate their work on food production even after the loss of life. We will design the body sized garden (continued on 5月 20日) burning giant building and eating cold food to celebrate together with the dead.

organized by 植村絵美 Emi UEMURA, 方丹敏 Barbara FANG and Michael EDDY


日历餐厅介绍 About Calendar Restaurant:

日历餐厅是在种植季节期间每月开放一次的餐厅。它始于2010年7月至10月的一个艺术项目。自 2011年种植季节起,我们希望在日常生活和植物生长的时间表(这也是日历的来历)下探索这种实践。在日历餐厅,消费者变成厨师, 从我们的田园中采摘新鲜蔬菜, 并分享各自的经验。一起做好饭后, 大家围坐在一起,还会讨论一些更复杂的话题:健康、食品安全、社会、政治、天 气、中医、老北京烹饪、食物设计和储存-当然,这些看上去严肃的讨论并不会影响我们品尝美味。2011年我们的种植场地由小毛驴农场赞助,日历餐厅由家作坊支持、2012年我们的种植场地由 潤田農園赞助,日历餐厅由家作坊支持。
Calendar Restaurant is a restaurant that opens once every month during the course of the farming season. It was initiated within the context of an art project from July to October, 2010. When farming started in 2011, we simply wanted to explore this practice within the framework of daily life and timeline of vegetables’ growth (that is where the calendar originates). In this restaurant, customers become cooks, working with fresh vegetables from our garden and sharing stories of their experiences. Once food is ready we sit together at one big table to discuss complex food issues: health, food safety, social systems, politics, weather, Chinese medicine, old Beijing cooking, food design and preservation ― but not to the point of making the taste muddy! This year our farm plot is supported by Runtian Farm and the restaurant is supported by HomeShop. Calendar Restaurant is organized by 植村絵美  Emi UEMURA and 方丹敏 Barbara FANG

日历餐厅 时间表 春夏 2012 Spring Summer Calendar Restaurant Schedule

3月20日(春分)开始農耕 Start farming
4月4日 星期二(清明)让我们为先人做点什么 Let’s Get some help from the dead
5月6日 星期天 (立夏)日历餐厅开放日Calendar Restaurant Open
5月20日 星期天 (小満) 想得瓜就种瓜,想得豆就种豆  Planting seeds for your wishes
6月2日 星期六 (芒种)儿童乐园 Child land
6月23日星期六(夏至)传统中医食物  Chinese Medicinal Food
7月休 holiday
8月5日(立秋)星期天 日历餐厅研究计划 Calendar Restaurant Research Trip
8月24日(七夕)星期五 情人餐 Dinner for Love

ずーんとみしらぬ大きなもの。植えたことさえ忘れていたとうもろこしをみたときここにいなかった30日分の太陽と雨と空気とかがすっかりかたちになったことに気づいた。とそんなことはおそだしで今つけたしたが。そのすぐそばには空心菜が一面を多い、おいしい実りをつけているはずの豆類は跡形もなくなっており、レタスが上に伸びてかっこう悪くなっており、シソがものすごく幅をきかしていてその影で凛としたたたずまいでオクラが3本。じゃがいもはまだ地中ですごしているようだし、トマトは大暴れの雨や風邪にひやかされながらも真っ赤な実をいくつもいくつもつけていた。雑草達はゆかいそうにきっちりとびっちりと意気投合したよう。ピーマンと辛いピーマンはみごとなもの。なすびは規格サイズくらいなものから巨人クラスのものまでさまざま。きゅうりはビールッパラの下膨れ何がどうなったらこんな形になるもんだか、きゅうりってすらっとしていぼいぼの予定だったんだけど。6月上旬にとれていたズッキーニも見当たらない。ダンミンとチンサン(畑の相棒)によるとこの夏は雨だらけ、幾度も雨。そういえば今日も寝ている間ものすごい音をたてていたかしら。そんな中でも7月の日历餐厅では新じゃがでニョッキ、バジルソース、菜園サラダ、オーブン野菜、スコーンとラズベリージャムフロムUK plus wine and teaで目もおなかもみたしながらもお天気予報お姉さんと農夫がする”天気と野菜を育てる話”に耳とこころをかたむけます。(google translate will offer no help for this article).


7月1日  雨

7月2日  中雨转小雨 收紫甘蓝,拔草,松土,两周前洒的白菜长了,不过很多叶子都烂了,因为种植太密,架不住一场雨一顿阳光,下涝上烤,自然扛不住;洒白菜籽,未浇水~回家的路上开始下雨。

7月5日  阴转阵雨

7月6日  雷阵雨转多云

7月7日  雷阵雨 趁凉去小毛驴农场,发现地里的玉米倒了一片,有好几棵都抽穗长苞了;emi的小西红柿被直接拍地上了,估计命不久长,紫甘蓝姑娘们雨淋日晒后脸现溃斑,芳华尽逝;劳作一天,深刻体会看天吃饭农民之苦。

7月11日 多云转雷阵雨

7月12日  雷阵雨转阵雨

7月13日  多云转雷阵雨 田间劳作

7月14日  阵雨转多云 入伏第一天   植村绘美同学从伦敦回京。

7月16日  多云转雷阵雨 有机农夫市集马甸集。11:00植村绘美同学在交流讲座环节跟大家分享了伦敦墓园种菜的有趣经历。

7月17日  阴转中雨 晚7:00,北苑路北,植村绘美与方丹敏讨论日历餐厅本月活动。讨论最多的是:多雨的北京,对有机生产者来说意味着什么?对有机销售者意味着什么?对有机消费者又意味着什么?

7月18日  中雨转阵雨

7月19日  阵雨

7月20日  雷阵雨转多云

7月21日  雷阵雨 下午四点,植村绘美与方丹敏在小毛驴农场,刚干了一个多小时活,开始打雷,又要下雨了。

7月22日   雷阵雨 凌晨的窗外,正在打雷下雨

7月23日  (预报)晴转雷阵雨

7月24日   (预报)中雨转阵雨 我们将在哪片有雨的云下收获蔬菜?又将在那哪有雨的云下吃饭?

七月日历餐厅活动主题,是从那湿漉漉的地里拔了新鲜的蔬菜(因为雨,有一些不太好看),让这些蔬菜传达给我们当月大自然的信息。我们其实很希望有气象达人来跟我们分享一下雨量多少与大气环境或自然环境变化的关系,让我们的眼界从小小的餐桌延展到更广阔些的地方去。我们也希望能邀请 一位在有机耕作中兼具种植与销售经验的人,给我们讲讲如何认识消费者心理的故事(这两位的活动免费,我们还会提供少量的市内交通费)。气象达人仍然在寻找 中,请大家积极艾特@哦,如果气象达人们实在都没有空,我们就自己边吃边聊吧。

我们的厨子除了植村绘美同学,本月流动厨子(moving chef)是@海花胖蜗牛厨房 的海花胖同学,她也是日历餐厅6月活动的参加者。以后我们每月都会邀请一位流动的厨子,当然,每一位前来参加活动的同学都有机会一起共做一道菜。


–  蔬菜沙拉, Tomato,Cucumber, Shiso(紫蘇)salad

–  意式(新鲜土豆)团子, Gnocchi (with fresh potato)

–  巴西沙司, Basil sauce

–  烤茄子,辣椒,  Roasted eggplant, green pepper

–  空心菜, Konxincai dish

–  腌紫苏(保鲜技巧), Salted Shiso(紫蘇) (preservation technique)

–  覆盆子司康(用于做此甜点的覆盆子酱来自圣安德鲁斯大教堂,关于此果酱的故事emi已在市集介绍,没听到的同学可以餐间随时问~)Scone with cream and Raspberry Jam from St. Andrews Church

– a glass of wine and tea   一杯酒 / 茶


活动时间:2011年7月31日 晚18:00-21:00

活动地点: 交道口北二条8号,家作坊
地图 MAP: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=217570249394613675179.000497a945f6f4b280f37

活动方式: 我们将邀请10位朋友,在日历餐厅以活动共享的方式,跟我们一起品尝我们种植的自然生长的有机蔬菜,交流, 互相学习, 我们可以一起做饭。请带毛巾和围裙



This text was originally written in 2011 for 艺术世界 Art World magazine and quietly rejected, left as random thoughts in my computer somewhere, dusty. But recent considerations of performance for a few upcoming activities at HomeShop led me to do a bit of copy-pasting here now, one year later,  just a thought.


.黎巴嫩贝鲁特市 Beirut, Lebanon. April 2011.

I’m not entirely sure whether he directed his garbled shouting at us especially for the sake of our foreignness, or if perhaps he slurs that cocktail of memory, pride and political anger in all directions all the time, but anyhow, that afternoon my companions and I happened to serve well as the fresh, naîve ears to stop and pay him attention. He sat in a wooden chair on a street corner in the middle of the Armenian neighbourhood of Beirut, and a little girl wearing a bubblegum-coloured sweater and two fluffy pink decorated pigtails stood tucked into the embrace of his wildly gesticulating presence.

He caught sight of us quickly and beckoned us over; she seemed completely indifferent except for the potato chips that inspired her slow repeated movements from the bag to her mouth. Next to them was a covered 三轮车 three-wheel cart with a black plastic bag on top of it. Not really to hide anything, probably mostly out of convenience, the bag contained one bottle of water and one bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label. Most conveniently, just within his arm’s reach stood a full glass of Klashinkof’s (pronounced like the gun) afternoon aperitif.

Despite his broken English, Klashinkof’s words shot out quickly and fiercely as his name implied, and the little war created by this ranting scene was made all the more extreme by the slow-motion softness of a round-faced little girl eating potato chips and a white cat with one blue eye and the other green, circling around them stealthily like a protective friend or a too-obvious spy.

Over the course of a few minutes, Klashinkof’s banter jumped from colourful quips about the nature of human life (“In the world there is two kinds of holes: you come out from your mother, and the next one, you go down. Two holes.“) to nostalgia over his acting days, Lebanese politics and religious jokes. We find out later that Klashinkof is known by many Beirutis already, his notoriety extending much further than the small radius of this little corner in the Bourj Hammoud area where he lives, works (mafia turned actor turned fish vendor, apparently) and drinks. A friend who also lives in the neighbourhood describes him as “a bold man—fearless, crazy, a specimen of what could be left from the times when Lebanon was full of fearless militias who could talk freely and yell in their own street and region. [The only difference is that] he doesn’t carry a gun anymore. But his hair is still combed back with gel typical of a street boy who tries to seduce women.”

Of course Klashinkof is a performer. And our fascination with him as visitors in an unfamiliar neighbourhood stems at least in part from his ability to attract our attention with his charisma, extravagance and extremity. On an everyday corner in an everyday neighbourhood, we find just a little bit of craziness. And that’s always memorable, now isn’t it?

Why is it that we always tend to forget the banal and remember the extravagant? This cannot be an entirely true statement, of course, because otherwise we would not even be able to remember routines, the people we see on a daily basis or even the days of the week. Both are considered long-term memory, but there is a strong distinction in their qualities, of which cognitive scientists classify as either procedural memory (eg., habits and learned skills like reading or bicycle riding) or declarative (memories that must be cognitively recalled, and can be spoken or written about). We could say that procedural memory may generally describe those banal forms of long-term memory in that they are repetitive and, therefore, carry less emotion in their recollection. Declarative memory, however is often highly implicated with emotion (studies show that thematically induced emotional stimuli aid in the memory of events), and going back to Klashinkof, it’s no wonder that his passionate sentiments were able to carve a strong memory for me and my companions.


.中国北京市 Beijing, China. June 2011.

长胡子叔叔在2011年夏天的日历餐厅做表演。Uncle Longbeard performs at the Calendar Restaurant, Summer 2011.

Back in the place where I live—which on a scale of memorability probably ranks much higher in the banality of procedural activities rather than the declarative, there is another old man who excels at shouting out in the streets, though this man does it for a living rather than out of a disgruntled attitude. Uncle Longbeard is a performer of his own culture, and he 吼卖 calls out old Beijing vendors’ songs not because he is selling anything in particular, but because he performs his own culture as an old Beijinger. He does this for money even, working at Temple Fairs and famous tea houses, but when he spontaneously comes over and sings in our courtyard for us, it is immediately obvious to whom this performance is memorable and to whom it is not. We either eat it up, feeling that authenticity has stumbled upon us, or are merely slightly amused and quickly grow inattentive. Here, what is ‘normal’, at least in terms of its familiarity with our own histories, is not worthy of the space it takes up in our brain storage, but what is ‘exceptional’ delights and leaves a strong impression.

In much the same way, our reactions to Klashinkof were much stronger than those that live in the same neighbourhood and hear his same stories everyday, but what is crucial to note here is that there is a blurry realm in between the synapses of memory, where emotion and familiarity affect our abilities to identify and recall. What happens, then, for our considerations of identity itself? We can say that identity is built from a full spectrum of memories, from the inherited ones of biology (the memory of genes) to those of society (eg., education and cultural memory). And while certain determinants of our identity may be fixed or unavoidable, like race or the social class into which we are born, what should be more carefully considered is the precarity that most of these determinants are really founded upon. To say that one is “Chinese” even, carries a myriad of complex tones and meanings depending upon one’s own associations with the concept of Chineseness. Thus our representations of any such identity can only ever be the playing out of ideas about that concept, whether or not we consciously do it, like Uncle Longbeard, or perhaps just uncontrollably express, like a wildly gesticulating drunk Armenian on a street corner in Lebanon. Judith Butler’s seminal work on gender claims that “identity is performatively constituted by the very ‘expressions’ that are said to be its results”, and the very idea of an expression occurs cognitively at the realm of the symbolic, no matter how clear the links may be or not. These symbols, taken in juxtaposition with human memory, become suddenly much more fallible, subjective constructions than the solidity we may have imagined from abstractions such as “male”, “female”, “Chinese” or even “high-class”. Of course, such ideas are long accrued concepts that stay well bolted into long-term memory, so their flexibility cannot come without a great deal of hitting against the norms of society. And we can never really opt-out of the performance of our identities, so to speak. Uncle Longbeard and Klashinkof are two players of a dying breed, whether of an old Beijing or an old Armenia. They’ve performed their roles so long there is no longer any distinction between performance and history. And that playfulness, or ambiguity, is perhaps something to consider.





2011年4月16日  小毛驴农场开锄节。韭菜茂盛,2011年的第一次收获,从它们开始。日历餐厅饺子工作坊,用收获的韭菜在开锄节包了120个饺子,扣除成本外的收入87元,捐给了





Calendar Restaurant OPEN tomorrow! Please join us to share and exchange the natural way of eating through the vegetables of our garden.

活动时间:2011年6月3日 晚6:30~9:30
活动方式: 我们将邀请10位朋友,在日历餐厅以活动共享的方式,
跟我们一起品尝我们种植的自然生长的有机蔬菜,交流, 互相学习, 我们可以一起做饭。


  • 播种for夏季日历餐厅
  • 一杯 葡萄酒
  • 萝卜意大利沙拉
  • 卷心菜春卷(with 法国奶酪+日本紫苏)
  • 韭菜鸡蛋蒸饺子
  • 小饭团

等等 and more!!!


Please email US for more information:
piatarorchestra [at] gmail [dot]com


下一次市集将和小毛驴市民农园合作,作为他们4月16 日开锄节的配套活动同时举行。届时将有20多家北京本地的农户、食品作坊、环保和三农NGO、艺术家和音乐家前来参加。您不但可以买到健康、有机、环保的农产品,还可以品尝到我们用有机食材制作的中西式美食、甜品和饮料(数量有限,欢迎您自带餐具)。同时,您还能在市集上了解与食品安全、环保、可持续生活相关的信息,让您吃得更放心,生活更低碳。市集志愿者的小厨房收入将会捐给日本和云南盈江地震灾区。欢迎您来市集了解更多我们在两地合作的NGO的工作。


集市/Country Fair

时间:2011年4月16日星期六 上午10点至下午4点

电话:010—62460405(小毛驴市民农园),134 0105 6422(中文)/ 136 9363 9394 (English /日文)


微博:北京有机农夫市集 (http://t.sina.com.cn/1918547924


This month, Country Fair is being held during Little Donkey Farm’s Spring Planting Festival!  We are inviting local farmers, artisans, environmental NGOs, and art and music collectives for another fantastic exchange event.  Come for the market and stay for all of the activities – workshops, demonstrations, kids’ classes, and even a field day – at Little Donkey’s festival!  Please join and share your experiences so that we can keep this event growing together.  And remember to bring your own bowl and utensils to sample fresh, homemade organic treats. Part of the proceeds of the sale at the Country Fair will go to earthquake relief efforts in Japan and Yunnan Province. Please come to the Fair and learn more about the NGOs we are working with.

集市/Country Fair
Beijing Farmers Market

April 16th Sat, 2011   10:00 a.m.~16:00 p.m.
Address: Little Donkey Farm
West of Houshajian Village, Sujiatuo Zhen, Haidian District, Beijing

Phone:010—62460405(Little Donkey Farm),134 0105 6422(CH)/ 136 9363 9394 (EN /JP)

If you plan to drive to the Country Fair and have extra seat in your car, you are most welcome to give other people a ride. Please go to our Weibo and Douban to publicize your information.

Weibo: http://t.sina.com.cn/1918547924
Douban: http://www.douban.com/event/13743609/
Beijing Farm Map: http://pangbianr.com/farmmap.html


芳嘉园 Fangjia Farm
圣林生态农庄 Sun Lin Farm
凤凰公社 Phoenix Commune
小毛驴市民农园 Little Donkey Farm
德润屋生态环境科技中心  De Run Wo
天福园有机农业 God’s Grace Garden
特奥愛心农庄 Special Commune
国仁绿色联盟 Ground Green Union

北京布乐奶酪坊 Le Fromager de Pekin
手土义坊 Shou Tu Yi Fang
谢睿慈 Lily HSIEH (厨余垃圾堆肥 EM compost)
瀚海沙 Han Hai Sha
全球和平妇女 Peace Women Across the Globe
緑色和平/ Green Peace
自然之友 Friends of Nature
达尔问自然求知社  Green Beagle
农业与贸易政策研究所 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
集市厨房 Country Fair Kitchen
日历餐厅 Calendar Restaurant
小V Little V (素食餐厅)
旁边儿 Pangbianr
家作坊 HomeShop
and more

/// 联系方式 ///
北京有机农夫市集 Country Fair
电话:134 0105 6422(中文/English)/ 136 9363 9394 (日文/ English)

时间:2011年3月12日星期六 上午10点至下午3点 (3点ー圆桌会议)
地点:Studio-X Beijing 北京东城区安定门内大街方家胡同46, A103

交通:地铁5号线北新桥站A出口;地铁5号线,2号线 雍和宫站D出口 ; 地铁2号线安定门站B出口

<< Beijing Farmers Market >>
Come and meet the farmers who grow your food.
Enjoy food and drinks made from local products.
March 12th Sat, 2011 10:00 a.m. ~15:00 p.m. (15:00~ round table discussion)
Address: Studio-X Beijing A103, 46 Fangjia Hutong, Andingmen Inner Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100007

Subway: Line5 Beixinqiao station Exit A ; Line5 and 2 Yonghegong station Exit D; Line2 Andingmen Exit B

Beijing Farm Map: http://pangbianr.com/farmmap.html


芳嘉园 Fangjia Farm
圣林生态农庄 Sun Lin Farm
凤凰公社 Phoenix Commune
小毛驴市民农园 Little Donkey Farm
德润屋生态环境科技中心 De Run Wo
国仁绿色联盟 Ground Green Union
北京布乐奶酪坊 Le Fromager de Pekin
瀚海沙 Han Hai Sha
手土义坊 Shou Tu Yi Fang
薛倩 Xue Qian
(茶艺展示) 全球和平妇女 Peace Women Across the Globe
謝睿慈 Lily HSIEH (廚餘回收變黃金 EM compost)
日历餐厅 Calendar Restaurant
旁边儿 Pangbianr
家作坊 HomeShop
农业与贸易政策研究所 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
…以及更多 and more

/// 联系方式 ///
电话:134 0105 6422(中文)/ 136 9363 9394 (English)
豆瓣 Douban:http://www.douban.com/event/13499133/

北京有机农夫市集 Beijing Farmers Market

2011年1月16日 周日,10:00-15:00
Sunday, 16 January 2010, 10:00-15:00
地点:北京 海淀区 中关村大街59号人民大学世纪馆北门 / B105
location: Renmin University, Zhongguancun Road 59, Gym North Gate, Room B105

Come and meet the farmers who grow your food.
Enjoy food and drinks made from local products.

/// 参加豆瓣活动 Join the event on Douban ///

种植天然、有机蔬菜的农民与北京的消费者之间依然缺乏链接, 部分农民存有多余的有机产品, 而市内的消费者却不知道如何享用到天然食物。

我们的设想是在当地农贸集会上进行一些试验, 让消费者即可以支持当地农民, 又能了解到市场上有哪些选择, 以及怎么成为一名负责任的城市消费者。

我们会邀请当地种植天然、有机食物的农民们参加资讯分享, 并交流有关宣传, 包装, 运输等方面的经验. 我们的小店也可以作为短期的销售点,农民可以在店里寄卖蔬菜作为练习. 同时我们还在考虑如何在农民与艺术家之间产生有关农业和食物的对话。

/// 参加农场与艺术家 Participating Farmers and Artists ///

小毛驴市民农园 Little Donkey Farm
芳嘉园 Fangjia Farm
圣林生态农庄 Sun Lin Farm
凤凰公社 Phoenix Commune
国仁绿色联盟 Ground Green Union
北京布乐奶酪坊 Le Fromager de Pekin (LIU Yang)
瀚海沙 Han Hai Sha
手土义坊 Shou Tu Yi Fang
薛倩 Xue Qian (茶艺展示)
大自然 Naturalove
特奥爱心农庄 Special Commune
全球和平妇女 Peace Women Across the Globe
謝睿慈 Lily HSIEH (廚餘回收變黃金 EM compost)
日历餐厅 Calendar Restaurant
Little V
诱惑咖啡 Irresistible Cafe
杜文云 Rosa TU
旁边儿 Pangbianr
家作坊 HomeShop
农业与贸易政策研究所 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

/// 地图 Map ///

/// 联系方式 Contact Information ///
电话 telephone:134 0105 6422(中文)/ 136 9363 9394 (English
邮箱 e-mail:farmersmarketbj@gmail.com

As part of Emi UEMURA’s project “Mobile Garden & Calendar Restaurant” at the shop’s summer space in Caochangdi, on September 18th 2010 we invite you to Country Fair,” a gathering of local farmers whose practices emphasize organic, community-based and wholistic approaches.

The farmers, some of whom will be offering their produce for sale, will be available for exchanges of information and conversation. From 2pm to 4pm, there will be a round table discussion (in Chinese, but we will try to have some informal translation available) about farming in Beijing and China in general, and it should be quite inspiring and informative. Natural farming techniques are relatively small scale in Beijing, but as it grows what does it represent for the way our cities are fed, and as it becomes appropriated into an “industry” and a lifestyle image? How does it challenge the way we live, and our own potential to grow? Very important questions can be sourced to potatoes.

Please make your way to the shop on September 18th and join in!

Country Fair
September 18th, 2010

小毛驴市民农园 Little Donkey Farm, 天福園 God’s Grace Garden, 芳嘉园Farmer Duan, Lily Hsieh (Urban Compost), Laura (Vegan Baking), 方丹敏 Danmin (Calendar Dumplings), Pangbianr (Recipes Zine), and more

Market starting: 1:00 ~5:00pm

Round table talk : 2:00 ~ 4:00 pm

E-mail: project@vitamincreativespace.com

维他命创意空间这个店在草场地, 正在进行移动花园和日历餐厅计划.

移动花园计划通过在泡沫塑料盒里面栽培花草蔬菜, 来示范非传统的食物种植、食用方式. 日历餐厅计划根据移动花园的蔬菜成长情况来决定什么时候营业, 采用我们亲自栽培烹调的时蔬, 菜单上有比萨, 沙拉, 豆芽等选择.

种植天然、有机蔬菜的农民与北京的消费者之间依然缺乏链接, 部分农民存有多余的有机产品, 而市内的消费者却不知道如何享用到天然食物. 我的设想是在当地农贸集会上进行一些试验, 让消费者即可以支持当地农民, 又能了解到市场上有哪些选择, 以及怎么成为一名负责任的城市消费者.

移动花园和日历餐厅也可以作为我们的起点, 进一步促进农民与消费者之间的交流, 鼓励双方建立关系, 例如, 我们会邀请当地种植天然、有机食物的农民们参加资讯分享, 并交流有关宣传, 包装, 运输等方面的经验. 我们的小店也可以作为短期的销售点, 农民可以在店里寄卖蔬菜作为练习. 同时我们还在考虑如何在农民与艺术家之间产生有关农业和食物的对话.