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Posts tagged ‘交流 communication’



纵向差异划分的标准是智慧。那么什么是智慧?为什么它是划分纵向差异的标准呢?智慧包括三种能力:意识的能力,即对自身和自身以外的世界的感知和了悟能力 (power for sense and insight)。意愿的能力,即在感知和了悟后产生的独立意愿能力(power for independent will)。自由力,即实现独立愿望的能力(power for realizing will)。越是高等的存在,越有更多的智慧。我们观察一下便可以知道,从非生物,植物,动物,到人,乃至超人主要是智慧发生了变化,无生命的物质对自我和周围的世界没有了悟,没有了悟也就没有意愿,更谈不上自由。植物开始有了意愿,但没有了悟,意愿极有限,不能移动,自由度也甚低,主要是被动地适应自然。动物随着等级的升高,意愿逐渐升高,但了悟力仍很低,自由度也不高。人有着极广,极强烈的意愿,但彼此之间了悟力差异甚大,自由度差异也甚大。


Thursday, 23 December 2010
from 10 am until press time, hurrah to follow

为 了庆祝家作坊成功移师交道口北二条, 我们诚邀您加入我们为期一天的报纸制作工作坊,与我们分享您生活中大大小小的新鲜事儿。作为初来乍到的新人,我们对于自己所 处的环境——北新桥这一带也不太熟悉,希望您能与我们一起来认识认识这附近的街坊四邻。

12月23日,星期四,新的家作坊将变成一个集讨论,编辑与印刷于一处的热闹场所。我们将出版一张具有我们独特作坊风格的大 幅双面报纸,其中了包含了我们所处的胡同中最新,最劲爆的新闻。


重大新 闻与北二条泄密、社论、艺术评论与社评、金融、体育、家居与烹饪、八卦、星象学、天气

编辑室将从早上10点开始开放,我们将在晚上免费发放丝网印刷报纸。您可以全天参与我们的活动或只是稍作逗 留。您可以加入到我们的各项活 动来,包括报道、翻译、平面设计与印刷。间休时间编辑室备有饮料和小吃。


In celebration of the big news that HomeShop has relocated to Jiaodaokou Beiertiao, we’d like to invite you to come by and share your big or small news story with us for a one-day newspaper production workshop. As the newcomers on the block, we are just beginning to learn the latest comings and goings of the Beixinqiao crowd, and we’d like you to visit and get to know the neighbours with us.

On Thursday, the 23rd of December, the new HomeShop will become a site for the discussion, editing and printing of a broadsheet to reveal the latest local news with the flair of our own homegrown media production.

Your presence and input are requested for the following columns:

breaking news and Beiertiao leaks, editorial, art and society reviews, finance, sports, home and cooking, gossip, astrology, classifieds, weather

The editorial room will be open from 10 a.m. until late, and by the end of the evening we will hand out silkscreen copies of the edition for free distribution and posting. Come by for a short visit or stay all day —— join the press room in any of our departments: reportage, translation, graphic design and printing. Drinks and snacks will be available for break time.

Organic vegetables for break time provided by Little Donkey Farm.

我是一个没有专长的人,常愿意思考点问题,也愿意和朋友交流所思考的东西,相互赞同时,可以相互促动着思索,相互反对时,可以相互纠正着发展,总 之都能使思索得到推动,得到补充,得到一个从另一个角度看问题的机会,从而使头脑变得更丰富,更开放,更智慧。

“纵向差异”的观点我早已有之。可过去仅是一个个人的观察,判断事物方法。后来在与朋友的交流过程中我发现大多数人都不是像我这样看问题。于是争 论开始了,在争论的过程中“纵向差异”的观点开始走向了纵深,开始变得愈加清晰,直至现在我可以用这一观点来理解,解释,解答许多不容易看清楚的 问题,有些也是较为深刻的问题。我想说给大家听听,以求共同探索,或探索“纵向差异”本身,或以此来探索其他问题。

I am a person without any special skills, but I like to reflect on issues and discuss with friends about them. When we agree, it prods our thinking, and when we don’t agree, it gives us the opportunity to clarify paths of thought. At the very least we can always be pushed, further our thinking and gain the opportunity to see problems from a different point of view. From this we enrichen our minds, open up and gain knowledge.

Early on I already held the opinion of “hierarchical differences”. Before it was just based upon my own personal observations, a manner by which to judge objects/matter. Later, during discussions with friends I found that most people do not think about things in the same way that I do. This is how our controversy began, and it is during these disputes that the issue of hierarchical difference began to take on a kind of depth and become ever more clear for me. With these new perspectives I now find that I am able to understand, explain and answer many difficult and ambiguous questions, a few not unprofound questions. I would like to share my thoughts with everyone, and hope that we can explore these ideas together, the nature of hierarchical difference itself or perhaps even another kind of issue.








First written for inclusion in 《穿》WEAR journal number two, not printed, but eventually published at 《塞壬_Siren》online magazine, Issue 1, May 2010.

最近西排艺术书房的9姑娘通过e-mail采访问了我们八个问题。曲,欧阳和我谈了好久… 八个问题的前后,代表自己很难。
Maggie LAU (aka Girl9) of CPAI Arthouse recently asked us eight questions. Twist, Xiao and I talked about it for a long time.


三棱镜 prism, 乌龟吃肉 turtles are not vegetarian, community, 城市 city, 日程生活能意味着什么 what daily life has the possibility to mean, 研究团 research group, 过程 process, 砖头 bricks, 江湖 rivers and lakes

读书的收获 the enlightenment of reading, 创造和记录 recording and creation, 提高自己或者生活方式 improve yourself or just a way to live (邓丽君 Teresa TENG, “小城故事“)

三棱镜 prism, 发起故事 start the story, 事件 event, 艺术介入 art intervention

第三个 number three, 见证文本 testimonial, 双铜望远镜或者望远镜或者放大镜 binoculars or telescope or magnifying glass, 分析 analyse, 参与 participate, 观察 observe, 北京的大小事项 the big and small matters of Beijing, 小张的故事还继续 Little ZHANG’s story continues…

它的开放不是全开放 it is open but it is not completely open, 这个过程就是我们的工作 the process is the work, 跑题 going off topic (Die Antwoord, “$O$”)

第五个 number five, 卢迎华 Carol Yinghua LU, 鲁迅 LU Xun, 我就是——所以我参与 being as a form of participation, 民族与世界 nation and world, 解剖 dissection, 规模或者性质 scale or quality, 本土文化 local culture, 横看成岭侧成峰 mountain viewing

环保 environmental protection, 介入科学 the science of intervention, empirical?, 事件与时间, time, 持续性 sustainability, 物体生活 the life of objecthood, 用途与价值 use and value (Tomutonttu, “Maailman Tappi”)

最近,你最关注的事情是什么? What are you most paying attention to lately?


1. 我看了两期的《穿》,它是很不一样的两期杂志。你可以介绍一下当初想做这本刊物的初衷吗?

2. 里面好像都在围绕一个地方“家作坊”,并从这里生活的人,发生的事一直辐射出去。“家作坊”对你们来说,它代表着什么?

3. 第一期的《穿》更像是北京奥运的见证文本。那这两年,几乎所有人都会把目光放到北京的大小事项去观察和研究,你们的立点是什么?

4. 我比较喜欢看第二期。因为它呈现出更为丰富和有趣的话题。而那些话题的背后都是实际项目的出现。作为项目的跟踪与话语延伸,其实对其他地方做项目的人是有很好的启迪作用的,你们希望通过这本杂志做到什么?
虽然穿杂志的外观与内容会有所变换,我们在开始时的初衷却是始终不变的—通过另一个媒介来分享家作坊的活动并融入其他参与者的反思与回应。它基于一些我们通过活动来探索的想法与主题,比如奥运或文化交流,但是我们又同时视它为一个独立的个体。 制作穿杂志的过程与一场持续的在所有参与者之间进行的对话别无二致。之所以用出版物的形式是因为它的受众更多,传播范围更广,使那些没能来到我们活动现场的人也能参与进来。

5. 我很喜欢里面卢迎华说的“只有让‘本土文化’走出‘本土文化’才能成为真正的‘本土文化’”。毕竟你们选取的事件基本发生在北京,它拥有比其他地方更大的被关注性和话语权,即使它在本地发生本土文化,它依然可以视为一种国际性文化行为,这是一个城市的性质决定的。但如果发生在中国其他城市,它们的“本土文化”现在面临国内过多是是否可以被保留,以及本地文化保育者使用什么方法保存下来的问题。《穿》可以对这些城市的本土文化有什么提示作用吗?

6. 里面没有很明显,但很实在让我们看到环保与这个真实世界的关系,不只是停留在杂志上看到如同“设计”“概念”这些美丽措辞,事实上,你们正在做什么?

7. 在操作了两年的期间,“家作坊”有什么样的改变,你们有怎样的改变?

8. 最近,你最关注的事情是什么?

If this question of what we do and who we are must persist, if i must excuse myself for being an artist or being a designer or explain where the (any) money is coming from, then let us turn it into a discussion and practice at once, in process. We have been looking at HomeShop, ourselves, the general context, what we are doing and what we would like to do. All of these questions are tainted by labels, the disjunctures of what we believe versus what/how things are, or how they should be presented, or perhaps if i were to tell you how i really feel you wouldn’t understand anyway, or, they are all my own failures in communication. Language is weak and inadequate.

That said, I begin this conversation with a series of descriptions, rather as a series of self-composed (from the archive of all influences, inspirations, histories and desires) groundings for what may come. HomeShop is our space, moreso a thinking-acting process, i would like to say juxtaposed upon a series of precipices that mark a critical moment of exchange, or, a spinning in the revolving door. It could be the point where one label takes over another, what was thought to be is art is not, how one understands community is mistaken. How one organises things, mentally or at the work table, becomes our most crucial, ahem, point of order, the pivot between now and tomorrow, relationality, design for life. Design is about organisation as it is about choice, and if we should coordinate things with forethought to the future, or with an idea of how we relate to our surroundings, then perhaps we could imagine design and aesthetics as a micropolitical climate by which a day-to-day ethics occur. We are designers and artists and theorists and politicians. Nothing absurd at all.

To get anywhere with the concept, you have to retain the manyness of its forms. It’s not something that can be reduced to one thing. Mainly because it’s not a thing. It’s an event, or a dimension of every event. What interests me in the concept is that if you approach it respecting its variety, you are presented with a field of questioning, a problematic field, where the customary divisions that questions about subjectivity, becoming, or the political are usually couched in do not apply.

— Brian Massumi, “Of Microperception and Micropolitics

We try to learn more about where rivers flow into lakes. Sustainability as a question of time, of slow persistence, of finding one’s own rhythms amidst enormous disparity, a Gini coefficient or a biological clock. How time relates to organisation is a kind of lifelong project, the 江湖 of HomeShop as a kind of “alternative practice”. There again, those attempts at description that feel sheepish, but let us say again that these things refer always back to the things we are doing everyday, making with hands, absorbing with eyes and ears and heart. Big brother and his wife got into a fight yesterday, and one cannot help but be coaxed out of house to try to try to nose in on the rising tension on our little street. It becomes a community affair, although Taotao’s dad says it’s “家务的事” (a household matter). Rivers flow into lakes. We try as we can to describe, as much as shape, the passing of time. This is the manyness of the event as we experience it or produce it, and such continual reciprocation is the very becoming of the project itself.

After a prolonged research and analysis period highly implicated by HomeShop’s recent search for a new space, our newfound expertise has led to the temporary return of the current space at Xiaojingchang hutong to its former status as real estate agency (pre-2007 era). We are pleased to inform you that we are taking up a new role as an offshoot office of the well-known chain 我爱我家 Wo Ai Wo Jia (“I Love My Home”), henceforth named 我爱你家 Wo Ai Ni Jia (“I Love Your Home”). If you are looking for a new house or office within Beijing’s old city centre or are merely interested to learn more about the real estate market and private life in the capital, our multilingual agents can offer free advice and direction regarding a selection of some of Beijing’s hottest properties. We do not take commission, and while our services may be limited, our knowledge is vast. Please stop by HomeShop or telephone to make an appointment. You may reach us at any time by mobile phone at 137 1855 6089.

Thank you! We are here waiting for your trust!

“我爱你家 I Love Your Home” is a project of 何颖雅 Elaine W. HO and Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA for HomeShop. On view from 24 May 2010.



“我爱你家 I Love Your Home” 是由何颖雅 Elaine W. HO 及 Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA为家作坊做的一个项目。从2010年5月24日开始。

First recordings from 崔凯旋 Cassidy Cui‘s “说” experiment with speaking and communicating—-going beyond 5 minutes, at 10 days and counting…

Beijing, CN weather for 15 august 2008:  sunny with scattered clouds , high 31° – low 20° C.

河南来的阿姨 A neighbour from Henan province  |  7’53”

瑞士来的朋友 A friend from Switzerland  |  6’04”

后面住的邻居 A neighbour living behind HomeShop  |  6’46”

上海来的中央戏剧学院老师  A drama teacher from Shanghai  |  6’35”



On Friday, 15 August, from 14:00-17:00, visitors to HomeShop can participate in an interactive experiment with our speaker, Cassidy Cui. In five-minute dialogues with visitors, any topic may be explored, questions asked and answers given or not. Others may listen in, or perhaps no one will understand, but for five small minutes, Cassidy will accompany the visitor in a simple attempt at human communication in bare form. “Speak” is a small pause amidst the noise and orchestrated hearsay of the everyday, simply to enjoy the pleasure of communication. “It’s as simple as opening your mouth”. 有时间过来玩儿!(If you have time, come over and play!)

地 图 m a p 联系 contact


日程安排 More events coming up:

14.08.08 | 北京批判理论阅读小组——关于哈贝马斯的公共空间理论的批判阅读. Critical Reading Group reads Habermas and Petrescu

16.08.08 | “失败者”的大派对,有DJ Mellow Yellow以及蔡凯、何颖雅、任波的录象作品放映. street party for the losers featuring DJ Mellow Yellow and screening of artist films by Ralf Schmerberg/Radical Media, Cai Kai, Renbo and others

16.08.08 | Sean Smith组织的人人可以参与的“Wii”上奥运会. post event broadcast Wii-version instant replays organised by Sean Smith

TBA | 艺术家粱越的行为艺术表演. performance and give-aways by artist Liang Yue

TBA | 《女泉》尿尿比赛. men/women pissing match