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Posts tagged ‘家工作坊 HomeWorkShop’

Jonah Brucker-Cohen 艺术家讲座和Drawbot工作坊

Jonah Brucker-Cohen artist talk and Drawbot workshop at HomeShop

Time:  Thursday, May 31st 7:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm
Material cost:  15 元


Drawbot Workshop__
Drawbot is a drawing system that anyone can use without having to learn electronics. It is a simple bot that mixes standard drawing materials (in this case magic markers) with weighted motors and plastic cups. When the cups vibrate, they draw circles and lines depending on their overall weight and power. Come to HomeShop and learn how to make your own!

Talk Description__Dr. Brucker-Cohen will discuss his projects and work in the theme of “Deconstructing Networks” in both physical and online instantiations. He will introduce his projects that attempt to challenge and subvert accepted notions of network interaction from software manipulation and rule-based systems to translating virtual processes and conventions into the physical world. Some projects he will discuss include “BumpList”, an email community for the determined, “Alerting Infrastructure!”, a website hit counter that destroys a building, “PoliceState” a fleet of radio controlled policecars who’s movements are dictated by keywords sniffed on a local network, “Wifi-Hog” a portable system for regaining control of public wireless networks, “Wifi-Liberator” an open source toolkit to broadcast free access to pay-per-use wireless networks, “America’s Got No Talent” a data visuzliation he co-created with Katherine Moriwaki that ranks American Reality Television shows based on their exposure to social media such as Twitter, “SimpleTEXT” a dynamically generated performance that is controlled by participants through texting messages from their mobile phones, and several more projects. These projects deconstruct and challenge the foundations of network connectivity and social experiences online and offline.


Jonah Brucker-Cohen is a researcher, artist, and writer. He received his Ph.D. in the Disruptive Design Team of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department of Trinity College Dublin. His work and thesis is titled “Deconstructing Networks” and includes over 77 creative projects that critically challenge and subvert accepted perceptions of network interaction and experience. His work has been exhibited and showcased at venues such as San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, MOMA, ICA london, Whitney Museum of American Art (Artport), Palais Du Tokyo,Tate Modern, Ars Electronica, Transmediale, and more. His writing has appeared in publications such as WIRED, Make, Gizmodo, Neural and more. His Scrapyard Challenge workshops have been held in over 14 countries in Europe, South America, North America, Asia, and Australia since 2003.

链接 Links
Interactive Networked Projects__www.coin-operated.com
Scrapyard Challenge Workshops__www.scrapyardchallenge.com


活动时间 date__  2012年5月17日,星期四晚上七点 | Thursday, 17 May 2012, 19.00
地点 location__ 家作坊 HomeShop[地图 / map

外语学习的最高境界有两个:1,用所学语言谈恋爱   2, 用所学语言吵架 第一种相当私人的,亲密的,心有灵犀的,语言不可或缺,但并不十分重要,我们无需练习,第二种是相当公开的,针锋相对的,你死我活的,语言十分重要,演练 必不可少,哪里可以演练?实战语言演练场系列为我们开辟了最佳演练场地!通过语言实战进入文化背景,通过语言实战熟练掌握关键词,通过语言实战进提高逻辑思辨…

There are supposedly two areas in which you can know you’ve mastered a foreign language: 1) being able to speak in the language of love and 2), being able to verbally put up a fight. The first is private and intimate, a heart to heart where language is necessary but perhaps not the most important, nor possible to practice in a group setting. The latter is a public, sharply dialectical, either you or me head-to-head where language is very important. So why not come together at HomeShop for our COMBAT LANGUAGE playground? Learn more about culture, hot topics in China and your real fighting spirit through COMBAT LANGUAGE. Improve your vocabulary and put your logic on its toes!


第二场 Debate Two

论题 topic__  “可更新能源挑战化石燃料  Fossil Fuels or Renewable Energy?

随着人们对气候变化问题的日 益关心,确信者和怀疑者各持己见,我们面临的问题是:工业燃料所用的能源资源对环境和经济都有影响,有时我们会顾此失彼。中国大量依靠煤 炭燃料,消费量超过世界总消费量的一半。在另一方面中国在世界上也已经成为了风能和太阳能利用的先行者,无论哪种方式,能源生产都是一个获利颇丰的行业。煤炭燃料与可更新能源相互冲突,以长远的目光看,谁将入主中原?答案尽在我们的语言实战演练场!

With people getting caught up in the politics of climate change, believers versus skeptics, the reality is that the source of energy that fuels industry affects both the environment and the economy. China is heavily dependent on coal burning more than half of the world’s annual consumption. China has also become to world leader in wind power capacity and solar panel manufacturing. Any way you cut it, producing energy is a highly profitable business. Burning fossil fuels is in conflict with renewable energy, so which one has the long term future in China? Get yourself ready for combat language debate!

价格 cost__  30元(包括饮料 includes beverages

参与者 participants__  中高级英语学生以及任何对本话题感兴趣的朋友
Intermediate to Advanced students of English, or any English speakers interested in the topic

报名请联系 registration required__  qu@homeshopbeijing.org, 138 1180 9604
After signing up for this workshop you will receive all the necessary materials/vocabulary list by e-mail to prepare for the debate.

组织者 organised by__  曲一箴 Twist QU and Michael SABELLI

The Life of Postmodern Tanghulu

时间 date/time__2012 年5月12日,周六下午2点起
                        Saturday, May 12, from 14.00
地点 location__家作坊 HomeShop,东城区交道口北二条8号 [地图]
                    Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 [map]


As part of Saturday’s WaoBao! Spring Cleaning swap meet on the 12th, we’ve invited the oldest family on our block to teach us how to update a Cultural Revolution old recipe for making candied fruits on sticks, the old Beijing sweet of choice. Experiment with various ball-shaped edibles, from the classic 山楂 hawthorn to the risky 狮子头 lion’s head minced meatball. Bring your leftovers from the fridge to tanghulu-ify, or trade for our finished pieces! All will be available for trade and bargaining along with all the other goodies on site.


传说_The legend of tanghulu
南宋绍熙年间,宋光宗最喜爱的皇贵妃病了,她面黄肌瘦,不思饮食。御医用了许多名贵药品,医治无果。宋光宗只好张榜招医。有一位江湖郎中揭榜进宫。为其诊脉 后,开出山楂和红糖。一起煮即食。每次3-5粒。半月黄贵妃病愈。后此法传入民间。酸、脆、香甜的沾山楂法流传至今。
During the splendid reign of the Southern Song dynasty, the favourite concubine of emperor SONG Guangzong fell ill and could not eat, making her emaciated and haggard. Imperial doctors tried all sorts of expensive cures to no avail, so SONG put forth an open call seeking medical help. One traveling doctor managed to enter the court to see the concubine, and after taking her pulse, he prescribed her a cure of hawthorn and brown sugar to be cooked together and eaten. Half a month later the concubine was healed, and ever since then, the recipe became a favourite of the people. Sour and crisp yet fragrantly sweet, this miracle method of preparing hawthorn has lasted until today.

宋氏家族介绍_About the SONG family
Before the founding of the People’s Republic, the SONG family of Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 1 was already involved in a small homemade tanghulu workshop for several years. With private businesses suspended during the Cultural Revolution, they stopped until finally during the reform and opening-up of the 80s, the family business was able to be picked up again. During its peak, the SONG’s tanghulu (including hawthorn, Chinese yam, tangerine, smoked jujube, banana and many other varieties) satisfied the cravings of many old Beijingers and were delivered all over the city to locations such as the imperial palace, Wangfujing, Dongdan and Qianmen.


“糖葫芦的后现代生活”工作坊又Carrot Design工作室与家作坊的何颖雅发起。WaoBao!献宝兑宝活动由Michael EDDY、何颖雅、Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA和曲一箴(家作坊)与林苏葳(ClearWorld Media)发起并组织.
The “Life of Postmodern Tanghulu” workshop is co-hosted by Been from Carrot Design and Elaine W. HO from HomeShop. WaoBao! Spring Cleaning is organised by Suvi RAUTIO (ClearWorld Media) with Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU (HomeShop).



Spring Cleaning for International Give Your Stuff Away Day

时间 date/time__2012 年5月12日,周六下午2点至6点
                        Saturday, May 12, 14.00-18.00
地点 location__家作坊 HomeShop,东城区交道口北二条8号 [地图]
                    Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 [map]
豆瓣同城活动 Douban event__www.douban.com/event/16419765/

五月十二号(星期六)来家作坊就不仅仅是打酱油啦,前来参加“献宝兑宝活动”。夏日炎炎,让您的居 室,柜橱,里里外外更宽敞明亮一些吧,五月十二号这一天把你家淘汰下来的物 品,如手机、衣服、箱包,旧家具及其它生活用品带到家作坊来,与需要它的人交换,使你的 闲置物品变成别人的宝贝,别人长期不用的东西成为你的最爱!除了交换闲置物品以外你也 可以交换服务和技能,如,用帮别人看孩子来交换网站设计、用一顿自家做的便饭来交换非限行号车辆的一日使用权,同时我们也会教你怎样旧物“再设计”改造, 还会播放如何把垃圾变废为宝的短片,十分有趣!带着你的朋友来跟我们一起玩吧,说不定你还会“交换”到一个新朋友带回家哦。还有免费饮料和小 吃提供,在本街道居住时间最长的家庭之一宋家,将教授我们如何再设计“后现代有种糖葫芦”!

从五月五号起家作坊开始接收你不需要的 闲置物品。请你快把不要的物品拿到交道口北二条8号来,我们会先给你一张“兑宝券”。你需要的宝贝在 等待你“赎”它回去…你“冷宫”里的宝贝也让我们垂涎三尺。取长补短,互利互助,皆大欢喜,何乐不为?!(也可于12日当天带来你将交换的物品!)

On Saturday, May 12th, come and do more than get the soy sauce at HomeShop’s “WaoBao Spring Cleaning” event! The purpose of the day is for you to gather everything you’ve left covered in dust in your closet and swap these things with other people who can make new use of them! Traders should bring everything from unwanted mobile phones to clothing and bicycles on trading day, and get ready to drive hard bargains. Money is no currency on this day, just bring your stuff and prepare your sharp and sparkly bargaining tongue! In addition to swapping stuff, you can also swap your skills and services, like trading babysitting time for a day’s use of a valid license plate on the right driving day, or a home-cooked meal in exchange for website design services. As well as the trading, mini-upcycling and DIY project workshops will take place on site, and we’ll be showing a few short films about how our consumer habits have created a big trash society and the few individuals who are trying to give new life to it. Free drinks and snacks will be on offer, and one of the oldest families on the block, the SONG family, will also be on hand to teach us how to upcycle the classic tanghulu candied fruit skewer into postmodern balls on sticks, WAO!

Get off of the internet and WaoBao the clutter in your life instead! Starting May 5th, we’ll begin accepting donated must-haves to develop a stockpile of treasures, so for those of you with the bounty and not the space but the desire to see things loved a second time, please drop by HomeShop during opening hours to bring items and get tickets redeemable for trade on Spring Cleaning Day. (You can also bring your stuff directly on the 12th!)


“糖葫芦的后现代生活”工作坊又Carrot Design工作室与家作坊的何颖雅发起。WaoBao!献宝兑宝活动由Michael EDDY、何颖雅、Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA和曲一箴(家作坊)与林苏葳(ClearWorld Media)发起并组织.
The “Life of Postmodern Tanghulu” workshop is co-hosted by Been from Carrot Design and Elaine W. HO from HomeShop. WaoBao! Spring Cleaning is organised by Suvi RAUTIO (ClearWorld Media) with Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU (HomeShop).



活动时间 date__  2012年4月8日,星期日下午两点 | Sunday, 8 April 2012, 14.00
地点 location__ 家作坊 HomeShop[地图 / map

外语学习的最高境界有两个:1,用所学语言谈恋爱   2, 用所学语言吵架 第一种相当私人的,亲密的,心有灵犀的,语言不可或缺,但并不十分重要,我们无需练习,第二种是相当公开的,针锋相对的,你死我活的,语言十分重要,演练必不可少,哪里可以演练?实战语言演练场系列为我们开辟了最佳演练场地!通过语言实战进入文化背景,通过语言实战熟练掌握关键词,通过语言实战进提高逻辑思辨…

There are supposedly two areas in which you can know you’ve mastered a foreign language: 1) being able to speak in the language of love and 2), being able to verbally put up a fight. The first is private and intimate, a heart to heart where language is necessary but perhaps not the most important, nor possible to practice in a group setting. The latter is a public, sharply dialectical, either you or me head-to-head where language is very important. So why not come together at HomeShop for our COMBAT LANGUAGE playground? Learn more about culture, hot topics in China and your real fighting spirit through COMBAT LANGUAGE. Improve your vocabulary and put your Chinese logic on its toes!

第一场 Debate One

论题 topic__  “子非鱼,安知鱼之乐? You’re not a fish, so how can you know if a fish is happy or not?

两千多年前庄子和惠子在濠水的桥上游玩时开始了一场辩论:“你不是鱼,怎么知道鱼的快乐?”“子非我,安知我不知鱼之乐?” 他们的这段对话看似轻松诙谐,其实其中蕴含着许多极为深刻的文化,逻辑,以及人与人之间的关系问题。来吧,喜欢汉语的朋友们,让我们一起用汉语来参加这两位哲人的讨论,庄子,惠子,谁更善辩?你呢?能否超越二者?答案尽在周日下午两点的汉语演练场

More than two thousand years ago, Zhuangzi and Huizi started a debate at the bridge over the Hao river: “You’re not a fish, so how can you know if a fish is happy or not?” It sounded like a joke, but their dialogue was full of the intricacies of a deep culture, logic, and the relations between people. So if you are an intermediate to advanced learner of Chinese, why not try and join these two philosophers’ debate? Will you follow Zhuangzi or Huizi, or will you surpass them both? Get yourself ready for COMBAT LANGUAGE debate!

价格 cost__  30元(包括饮料 includes beverages

参与者 participants__  中高级汉语学生以及任何对本话题感兴趣的朋友
Intermediate to Advanced students of Chinese, or any Chinese speakers interested in the topic

报名请联系 registration required__  qu@homeshopbeijing.org, 138 1180 9604
After signing up for this workshop you will receive all the necessary materials/vocabulary list by e-mail to prepare for the debate.

组织者 organised by__  曲一箴 Twist QU

让先人给让先人给我们指点迷津 Let’s get some help from the Dead

日期 date:  2012年4月4日(清明),星期三下午二点 / Wed 4 April (Tomb sweeping day) 2012, 14:00

地点 location: 家作坊 HomeShop[地图 / map

用费 cost: 44

人 类的延续,就是生命一个个轮回交替,为生者死,为死者生。今年我们会设计一个人形种植园(一直到5月20日),这象征着人的身体与自然的物质转换与平衡。 中国传统的清明节祭扫,会用各种食物祭奠先人,因此我们还尝试恢复清明节中另一个重要的部分——寒食节,因此今年我们除了会焚烧一些特殊的纸钱,还欢迎大 家来这里跟我们一起吃冷食过节。

For human survival, we receive other’s life for maintain our own life. Today is the perfect day to appreciate their work on food production even after the loss of life. We will design the body sized garden (continued on 5月 20日) burning giant building and eating cold food to celebrate together with the dead.

organized by 植村絵美 Emi UEMURA, 方丹敏 Barbara FANG and Michael EDDY


日历餐厅介绍 About Calendar Restaurant:

日历餐厅是在种植季节期间每月开放一次的餐厅。它始于2010年7月至10月的一个艺术项目。自 2011年种植季节起,我们希望在日常生活和植物生长的时间表(这也是日历的来历)下探索这种实践。在日历餐厅,消费者变成厨师, 从我们的田园中采摘新鲜蔬菜, 并分享各自的经验。一起做好饭后, 大家围坐在一起,还会讨论一些更复杂的话题:健康、食品安全、社会、政治、天 气、中医、老北京烹饪、食物设计和储存-当然,这些看上去严肃的讨论并不会影响我们品尝美味。2011年我们的种植场地由小毛驴农场赞助,日历餐厅由家作坊支持、2012年我们的种植场地由 潤田農園赞助,日历餐厅由家作坊支持。
Calendar Restaurant is a restaurant that opens once every month during the course of the farming season. It was initiated within the context of an art project from July to October, 2010. When farming started in 2011, we simply wanted to explore this practice within the framework of daily life and timeline of vegetables’ growth (that is where the calendar originates). In this restaurant, customers become cooks, working with fresh vegetables from our garden and sharing stories of their experiences. Once food is ready we sit together at one big table to discuss complex food issues: health, food safety, social systems, politics, weather, Chinese medicine, old Beijing cooking, food design and preservation ― but not to the point of making the taste muddy! This year our farm plot is supported by Runtian Farm and the restaurant is supported by HomeShop. Calendar Restaurant is organized by 植村絵美  Emi UEMURA and 方丹敏 Barbara FANG

日历餐厅 时间表 春夏 2012 Spring Summer Calendar Restaurant Schedule

3月20日(春分)开始農耕 Start farming
4月4日 星期二(清明)让我们为先人做点什么 Let’s Get some help from the dead
5月6日 星期天 (立夏)日历餐厅开放日Calendar Restaurant Open
5月20日 星期天 (小満) 想得瓜就种瓜,想得豆就种豆  Planting seeds for your wishes
6月2日 星期六 (芒种)儿童乐园 Child land
6月23日星期六(夏至)传统中医食物  Chinese Medicinal Food
7月休 holiday
8月5日(立秋)星期天 日历餐厅研究计划 Calendar Restaurant Research Trip
8月24日(七夕)星期五 情人餐 Dinner for Love

Yŏu zhŏng jīngjì:  Global Hutong Economics

日期 date:  2012年3月24日,星期六晚上八点 / Saturday 24 March 2012, 20.00
地点 location:  家作坊 HomeShop [地图 / map


Where does the macroeconomy begin, and from whose eye-view can we understand the impossibly complex global economy? Financial analyst and reporter Eva WOO will begin her account on Beiertiao, from the point of view of what we eat, where we live and how we exchange on a daily level. As an accumulation, we can assume that those repetitive actions determine the enormous Chinese economy. But WOO will also show how the moods, the gambles and the controls of the macroeconomy come to determine our daily levels just as much. 

吴莹介绍 About Eva:

2011年夏天成为某美国对冲基金中国顾问研究员之前,吴莹大部分职业生涯都在干新闻。改行的原因?她认为自己崇拜的金融作家迈 克尔刘易斯之所以与众不同的重要原因是因为他曾在业内卧底。吴莹曾在中国为南华早报/华盛顿邮报/财经/财新/彭博新闻社工作过,在纽约为华尔街日报和商 业周刊网站工作过。作为第一个获得华尔街日报亚洲奖学金的中国记者,全球金融危机中,她恰好在纽约大学攻读商业经济报道 硕士学位。更早些时候她曾就读于北京大学和广东外语外贸大学。她最大的兴趣是用显微镜和望远镜同时观测事物,然后用大白话解释它们。


Eva WOO had been pursuing journalism for most of her career, until she became a China analyst for a U.S. based hedge fund in the summer 2011. She made the transition because she believes what makes Michael Lewis such an outstanding financial writer had to do with the fact that he used to be “one of them”.  Eva had reported for SCMP/WashingtonPost/Caijing/Caixin/Bloomberg in China, WSJ and BusinessWeek in New York. As the first Chinese reporter to be granted WSJ Asia fellowship, she did her Masters in Business and Economic Reporting at NYU right in the middle of global financial crisis. Earlier she studied in Peking University and Guangzhou University of Foreign Studies. She loves making sense of things, using both a microscope and a macro framework, and explaining them in human language.

Eva WOO has been based at the HomeShop workshare space since the autumn of 2011.


Sunday, 5 June 2011 – Sunday, 12 June 2011


OPENING: Sunday, June 5th, from 14.00
featuring free distribution of project sound map and guides at HomeShop, guided tour of project sites and hidden ephemera
location:Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8

参加艺术家 Participating Artists:打油 Gerard ALTAIÓ(西班牙 ES)、Niko de LAFAYE(法 FR)、Michael EDDY(加拿大 CA)、Alfred HARTH(德 DE)、何意达 HE Yida(中国 CN)、何颖雅 Elaine W. HO(香港/美国 HK/USA)、冯昊 FENG Hao(中国 CN)、奥拉夫·郝赫尔茨 Olaf HOCHHERZ(德 DE)、Elke MARHÖFER(德 DE)、梅志勇 MEI Zhiyong(中国 CN)、盛洁 Gogo J(中国 CN)、苏文祥 SU Wenxiang(中国 CN)、陶轶 TAO Yi(中国 CN)、徐坦 XU Tan(中国 CN)、徐喆 XU Zhe(中国 CN)、颜骏 YAN Jun(中国 CN)、殷漪 YIN Yi(中国 CN)、照骏园 CIAO Jun-y(中国 CN)、组织 ZUZHI(中国 CN)

《此地无声》是一个将要发在北京东城区的艺术活动。所有参与的艺术家,声音艺术家及声音工作者们将以“声音”作为主题并且运用“声音”作为材料完成各自的 作品。作品呈现的方式将为装置、行为与音乐表演等等。作品放置的地点是剧场、艺术空间以及一些公共空间,活动持续时间为一周。在此期间还会发生一些相关讲 座与工作坊等项目。活动组织方会制作一份地图,上面会标示出所有艺术作品放置的地点。这些作品的分布将以国子监为中心,步行20分钟即可到达的范围内。


The Sound of Nowhere is an art project to be embedded deep in the recesses of Dongcheng District, scattered in the vicinities of Andingmen and Gulou. This is an experiment with sound and geography, whereby artists and ‘sound laborers’ will for the duration of one week present workshops, lectures, installations and performances for various locations on the map—from art spaces, a theatre, restaurants to a hair salon. The projects will be traceable from a printed map that guides participants for short walks within a 20 minute radius to find and experience these works as interventions and exchanges with the surrounding public space. By working from a conceptual recognition of sound, we seek to locate and initiate certain resonances between this often overlooked sense and its relation to the noise of our daily urban environs.


5-12 June 2011
A full programme of all activities will be posted as it is available. Please stay tuned at www.soundofnowhere.info for further information.

“The Large Glass (half empty)”, from The Drawing Machine series written with Processing, 2006-2010, Alex GIBSON

Alex GIBSON主持的数字艺术讲习课

A Digital Art Workshop facilitated by Alex GIBSON

日期: 2011年1月30日,周日 - 14.00 – 17.00
费用: 免费。如果你喜欢Alex的讲习课并愿意支持家作坊办的活动,欢迎现场赞助!

Date/Time:  Sunday, 30 January 2011, 14.00 – 17.00
Fee:  Free, but donations highly appreciated.
Reservations requested, please e-mail:  lianxi[at]homeshop[dot]org[dot]cn.

家作坊诚邀你来参加计算机编程基础课。本课适合于艺术家,设计师,建筑师以及对使用Processing开发环境感兴趣的人员。本讲习课将集中为需要创建影像,动画,互动媒体的朋友讲解如何创制互动和生成框架。Processing 是一个开放原始码的程序语言及开发环境,本语言被广泛应用于学习,原型制作以及生产。更多信息请造访: http://www.douban.com/group/processing/.


HomeShop invites you to participate in a workshop about the basics of computer programming for artists, designers, architects and anyone interested in using the Processing development environment. The workshop will focus on creating interactive and generative frameworks for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. It is an open-source programming language that has become widely used for learning, prototyping and production. For more information about Processing, please visit: http://processing.org/.

No prior knowledge of computer programming is required to participate. You only need to provide your own Macintosh, Windows or Linux laptop computer and begin brewing ideas for your own application/experiment. The workshop will be in English with basic Chinese translation.


Alex GIBSON是一名澳大利亚数字艺术家,从事装置,摭拾影像/物艺术与视频图像工作,其中包括绘画,视频和软件等元素。他特别对开放软件运动和共建艺术共享领域感兴趣。
Alex GIBSON is an Australian digital artist that works with installation, found images/objects and the moving image that include elements of drawing, video and software. He is particularly interested in the free (as in freedom) software movement and the social construction of an artistic commons.