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Posts tagged ‘定位 mapping’

photos taken by GB, ME and ES along their daily route.

参与方式即在http://beijing.re-place.info提交你的路线。Participate now by submitting your own route online at http://beijing.re-place.info.


延续了PROGRAM和Transit Lounge在2007年发起的rePLACE柏林项目,北京的活动开始于一个公共的邀请,目的是去重新认识 作为一个与日常生活经验息息相关的,对时间与场所的动态记录的城市。


任何人,只要是在北京,都可以通过标出一条每天经常走的路,并记录下沿途的固定场景或者特定时刻参与进来。只需要根据提示上传你的路线和你途中观察发现所记录下的文字、图像、视频以及/或者录音。 你也可以参与别人准备好的”组团旅行”,只需要下载任何已经上传好的PDF地图并重新体验别人每天的固定路线。


The rituals of everyday life trace regular paths along streets and through buildings, organising the solids and voids of the built environment into narratives and patterns of association. Complicated by memory and social rituals, our experience of the city is of a dynamic place, a stage for public performances and private tragedies, of significant moments and the incredibly mundane. The habits, rituals, and actions of its population, the lived experiences within the city define it as something that is always current, always in constant, random movement.

rePLACE BEIJING begins by a public invitation to reconsider the city as an active process of documenting time and place inseparable from our everyday, lived experience. Your participation is requested as a singular contribution towards an alternative, collective understanding of how the city both literally and metaphorically vibrates, or where ‘the beaten track’ runs rich with/counter to personal knowledge, memory and cultural myth.

Please join rePLACE by mapping out a frequent route from your day-to-day life. Record the regular patterns and particular moments associated with your journey, then simply follow the instructions to upload your route as well as text, images, video and/or sound documenting observations and discoveries made along the way.

Through the various stages of the project, rePLACE seeks to provide a way to understand the city, not only through its built spaces, but in the ways its residents are interacting with it in their daily lives — the routes we follow and the moments where these routes cross, overlap or run tangent to each other. This is foremost a reconsideration of history and image-making outside of our traditional understandings of these terms, where forms of heritage preservation can go beyond passive historicisation and generate living processes to actively celebrate the city-in-flux.

rePLACE柏林是一个由PROGRAMTransit Lounge于2007年发起的项目。 2011年的rePLACE由Daniel Berndt、何颖雅与Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga组织。rePLACE柏林和rePLACE贝鲁特由Anna Lindh欧洲-地中海文化交流基金会、 阿拉伯图片基金研究中心以PROGRAM支持。rePLACE北京由家作坊支持。 更多的信息请e-mail联系: mail[圈A]re-place[点]info
rePLACE is a project initiated in 2007 by PROGRAM and Transit Lounge. rePLACE in 2011 is organized by Daniel Berndt, Elaine W. Ho and Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga. rePLACE BERLIN and rePLACE BEIRUT are supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, the Arab Image Foundation and PROGRAM. rePLACE BEIJING is supported by HomeShop and PROGRAM. For more information please contact: mail[at]re-place[dot]info


Sunday, 5 June 2011 – Sunday, 12 June 2011


OPENING: Sunday, June 5th, from 14.00
featuring free distribution of project sound map and guides at HomeShop, guided tour of project sites and hidden ephemera
location:Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8

参加艺术家 Participating Artists:打油 Gerard ALTAIÓ(西班牙 ES)、Niko de LAFAYE(法 FR)、Michael EDDY(加拿大 CA)、Alfred HARTH(德 DE)、何意达 HE Yida(中国 CN)、何颖雅 Elaine W. HO(香港/美国 HK/USA)、冯昊 FENG Hao(中国 CN)、奥拉夫·郝赫尔茨 Olaf HOCHHERZ(德 DE)、Elke MARHÖFER(德 DE)、梅志勇 MEI Zhiyong(中国 CN)、盛洁 Gogo J(中国 CN)、苏文祥 SU Wenxiang(中国 CN)、陶轶 TAO Yi(中国 CN)、徐坦 XU Tan(中国 CN)、徐喆 XU Zhe(中国 CN)、颜骏 YAN Jun(中国 CN)、殷漪 YIN Yi(中国 CN)、照骏园 CIAO Jun-y(中国 CN)、组织 ZUZHI(中国 CN)

《此地无声》是一个将要发在北京东城区的艺术活动。所有参与的艺术家,声音艺术家及声音工作者们将以“声音”作为主题并且运用“声音”作为材料完成各自的 作品。作品呈现的方式将为装置、行为与音乐表演等等。作品放置的地点是剧场、艺术空间以及一些公共空间,活动持续时间为一周。在此期间还会发生一些相关讲 座与工作坊等项目。活动组织方会制作一份地图,上面会标示出所有艺术作品放置的地点。这些作品的分布将以国子监为中心,步行20分钟即可到达的范围内。


The Sound of Nowhere is an art project to be embedded deep in the recesses of Dongcheng District, scattered in the vicinities of Andingmen and Gulou. This is an experiment with sound and geography, whereby artists and ‘sound laborers’ will for the duration of one week present workshops, lectures, installations and performances for various locations on the map—from art spaces, a theatre, restaurants to a hair salon. The projects will be traceable from a printed map that guides participants for short walks within a 20 minute radius to find and experience these works as interventions and exchanges with the surrounding public space. By working from a conceptual recognition of sound, we seek to locate and initiate certain resonances between this often overlooked sense and its relation to the noise of our daily urban environs.


5-12 June 2011
A full programme of all activities will be posted as it is available. Please stay tuned at www.soundofnowhere.info for further information.

大陆漂着 Continental Drifting

18 May – 5 June 2011

“大陆漂流.中国”活动将众多的艺术家,策展人,理论家,与活动家召集到一起,共同探索当 代地理政治转化对于公共框架与亲密生存 空间的影响。在一周的时间里,本活动将“漂”在北京,尝试将抽象分析(经济,社会学,都市生活研究,美学等等)直接导入不同的艺术实践当中。通过报告,工 作坊,讨论会与实地考察等方式,我们希望自己能在闹市与乡间的穿梭中构建一个充满欢乐,感觉试验,偶遇与思考的游历方式。

The Continental Drift China brings together artists, curators, theorists, and activists to explore the impacts that current geopolitical transformations are having on the public frameworks and intimate environments of existence. For one week, the roving seminar will drift through Beijing, endeavouring to bring abstract analysis (economics, sociology, urbanism, aesthetics, etc.) into direct contact with situated projects. By way of presentations, a workshop, discussion sessions and site visits, the project provides a movement through space thriving on conviviality, perceptual experimentation, unexpected encounters and informed travel in both metropolitan and rural settings.


For detailed descriptions of each of the events listed, please see below. Note that not all events are at the same location; addresses are listed accordingly.


合辑 Selections 】底特律音乐人类学赏析,王念华主讲  /  an evening of musical anthropology led by Dan S. WANG

Thursday, 19 May, 19.00
location:HomeShop, Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8

杨先让 YANG Xianrang 】(艺术家, 曾任中央美术学院民间美术系主任)讲座  /  a Talk with Professor YANG Xianrang, artist and former head of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Folk Arts and Crafts department

Saturday, 21 May, 10.30
location:HomeShop, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8

西遊计划 Journey West 】艺术假扮旅行社简单开张  /  A “Journey West” Travel Agency performative soft opening

Saturday, 21 May, 16.00
location:41 Zhonglouwan Hutong (next door to The Drum and Bell Bar)

《北二条小报》工作坊 Beiertiao Leaks self-publishing workshop

Sunday & Monday, 22-23 May, 10.00 until the presses are hot
location:HomeShop, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8

从5月23日“大陆漂流”继续向武汉与重庆漂流,6月4日返回北京。如果你对我们下一步的旅行感兴趣,请e-mail垂询: lianxi[圈A]homeshop[点]org[点]cn
From the 23rd of May until the 4th of June, the Drift continues on to Wuhan and Chongqing before rounding back up in Beijing. If you are interested to continue with us on this leg of the journey, please inquire: lianxi[at]homeshop[dot]org[dot]cn.

“大陆漂流.中国” 总结论坛  Continental Drift China Final Forum】“哪里哪里” 艺术空间将与大陆漂流参加者联合举办一个开放总结论坛。更多的详情稍候发布。 /  The Where Where Exhibition Space in Caochangdi will host a final forum with China Drift participants open to the public. More details to be announced.

地点:“哪里哪里” 艺术空间
Sunday, 5 June, 15.00
location:Where Where Exhibition Space
No. 319-1, East End Art Zone A, Caochangdi

本次大陆漂流活动由 “我们家” 青年自治中心,“家作坊”,“哪里哪里”策展联盟,与“罗盘”(美国中西部激进 文化走廊)等组织共同合作举办。
The Continental Drift China is developed by Desireè Youth Autonomy Center, HomeShop and the Where Where Curatorial Collective, in conjunction with Compass (of the Midwest Radical Culture Corridor).

豆瓣同城活动 Douban event page:www.douban.com/event/13954395/

更多关于“大陆漂流.中国”的参加者信息,继续读… For more information about participants of the Continental Drift China, please continue reading.


失物品 009:橄榄绿和黑彩格呢羊毛围巾

Lost & Found Object No. 009: olive & black plaid woolen scarf
Date & Time: some point in April 2011 (exact date & time unknown)
Location: HomeShop (Jiaodaokou Beiertiao Number 8)

失物品010:新买的”clothes/shop 衣”的蓝白格子衬衫(39号,价格标:人民币680元)

Lost & Found Object No. 010: freshly purchased “clothes/shop 衣” brand blue & white checkered button-down shirt (size 39, listed price RMB 680 yuan)
Date & Time: some point in April 2011 (exact date & time unknown)
Location: HomeShop (Jiaodaokou Beiertiao Number 8)


如果您要收回这些物品,请跟家作坊联系Please contact HomeShop to reclaim these items.

失物品 007:带碳素纤维指节、Clarino®加强的手心与其它不知道什么用途的橡胶部件”street”体育手套
地点:家作坊 厨房饭桌 (交道口北二条8号)

Lost & Found Object No. 007:  protective street rider gloves with carbon fiber knuckles and Clarino® reinforced palms and other rubber parts with unknown purpose
Date & Time: early March 2011, evening (time unspecified)
Location: HomeShop eating table (Jiaodaokou Beiertiao Number 8)

失物品 008:寿司套餐,可能是香辣鱼肉卷?

Lost & Found Object No. 008:  sushi set (spicy crab roll?)
Date & Time: 19 March 2011, 11:16
Location: Yonghegong Dajie, diagonally across the street from the entrance of Jiaodaokou Beiertiao hutong


如果您要收回这些物品,请跟家作坊联系Please contact HomeShop to reclaim these items.

Where to begin with the topic of gentrification?
Of course, in our city, right here in our very neighborhood where we are implicated.
We will get to that.

Suppose we start in a future-primitive state: something beginning from a point far too under-urbanized than we conventionally conceive in such a process, resulting in something far too over-developed, centrally-marketed and artificial, not to mention out of the city, to speak the gentrified language.


北京有机农夫市集 Beijing Farmers Market

2011年1月16日 周日,10:00-15:00
Sunday, 16 January 2010, 10:00-15:00
地点:北京 海淀区 中关村大街59号人民大学世纪馆北门 / B105
location: Renmin University, Zhongguancun Road 59, Gym North Gate, Room B105

Come and meet the farmers who grow your food.
Enjoy food and drinks made from local products.

/// 参加豆瓣活动 Join the event on Douban ///

种植天然、有机蔬菜的农民与北京的消费者之间依然缺乏链接, 部分农民存有多余的有机产品, 而市内的消费者却不知道如何享用到天然食物。

我们的设想是在当地农贸集会上进行一些试验, 让消费者即可以支持当地农民, 又能了解到市场上有哪些选择, 以及怎么成为一名负责任的城市消费者。

我们会邀请当地种植天然、有机食物的农民们参加资讯分享, 并交流有关宣传, 包装, 运输等方面的经验. 我们的小店也可以作为短期的销售点,农民可以在店里寄卖蔬菜作为练习. 同时我们还在考虑如何在农民与艺术家之间产生有关农业和食物的对话。

/// 参加农场与艺术家 Participating Farmers and Artists ///

小毛驴市民农园 Little Donkey Farm
芳嘉园 Fangjia Farm
圣林生态农庄 Sun Lin Farm
凤凰公社 Phoenix Commune
国仁绿色联盟 Ground Green Union
北京布乐奶酪坊 Le Fromager de Pekin (LIU Yang)
瀚海沙 Han Hai Sha
手土义坊 Shou Tu Yi Fang
薛倩 Xue Qian (茶艺展示)
大自然 Naturalove
特奥爱心农庄 Special Commune
全球和平妇女 Peace Women Across the Globe
謝睿慈 Lily HSIEH (廚餘回收變黃金 EM compost)
日历餐厅 Calendar Restaurant
Little V
诱惑咖啡 Irresistible Cafe
杜文云 Rosa TU
旁边儿 Pangbianr
家作坊 HomeShop
农业与贸易政策研究所 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

/// 地图 Map ///

/// 联系方式 Contact Information ///
电话 telephone:134 0105 6422(中文)/ 136 9363 9394 (English
邮箱 e-mail:farmersmarketbj@gmail.com

Thursday, 23 December 2010
from 10 am until press time, hurrah to follow

为 了庆祝家作坊成功移师交道口北二条, 我们诚邀您加入我们为期一天的报纸制作工作坊,与我们分享您生活中大大小小的新鲜事儿。作为初来乍到的新人,我们对于自己所 处的环境——北新桥这一带也不太熟悉,希望您能与我们一起来认识认识这附近的街坊四邻。

12月23日,星期四,新的家作坊将变成一个集讨论,编辑与印刷于一处的热闹场所。我们将出版一张具有我们独特作坊风格的大 幅双面报纸,其中了包含了我们所处的胡同中最新,最劲爆的新闻。


重大新 闻与北二条泄密、社论、艺术评论与社评、金融、体育、家居与烹饪、八卦、星象学、天气

编辑室将从早上10点开始开放,我们将在晚上免费发放丝网印刷报纸。您可以全天参与我们的活动或只是稍作逗 留。您可以加入到我们的各项活 动来,包括报道、翻译、平面设计与印刷。间休时间编辑室备有饮料和小吃。


In celebration of the big news that HomeShop has relocated to Jiaodaokou Beiertiao, we’d like to invite you to come by and share your big or small news story with us for a one-day newspaper production workshop. As the newcomers on the block, we are just beginning to learn the latest comings and goings of the Beixinqiao crowd, and we’d like you to visit and get to know the neighbours with us.

On Thursday, the 23rd of December, the new HomeShop will become a site for the discussion, editing and printing of a broadsheet to reveal the latest local news with the flair of our own homegrown media production.

Your presence and input are requested for the following columns:

breaking news and Beiertiao leaks, editorial, art and society reviews, finance, sports, home and cooking, gossip, astrology, classifieds, weather

The editorial room will be open from 10 a.m. until late, and by the end of the evening we will hand out silkscreen copies of the edition for free distribution and posting. Come by for a short visit or stay all day —— join the press room in any of our departments: reportage, translation, graphic design and printing. Drinks and snacks will be available for break time.

Organic vegetables for break time provided by Little Donkey Farm.

The ‘Blood Real Estate Map’ which sparked huge interest online in the last months came to my knowledge in the real space of my living room. It’s kind of messy here these days, as preparations to move out of the small grounds at Xiaojingchang are underway for a lateral shift towards Beixinqiao, but a friend stopped by one evening with the kind of hushed urgency of a very important favour to ask. She was asked by a wishing to remain anonymous contact of hers to help translate a response text about his initiative documenting violent incidents linked to forced demolition and eviction. She needed my help for the translating and proofreading, and so another late night at HomeShop rolled cultural exchange, an attempt to map the current condition and maybe a little bit of exaggerated or not ballsy-ness (you have to keep quiet about this, he’s at a lot of risk and we don’t know what may happen) all into one.

The Blood Real Estate project, which was launched at the beginning of October, consists of two Google maps:

the revised version [note: use proxy to access], which is edited by the founder and shows only verified cases, and an open version [note: use proxy to access] that anyone can add to or edit. Little volcanoes represent sites where people were evicted violently, with water canons or Molotov cocktails.  Beds indicate incidents that resulted in at least one death. [France 24]

The map maker felt a personal response to foreign media was necessary because of all the publicity generated by his work, and while proofreading his text I was surprised to find such an emotional personal declaration to clarify an action of anonymous digital tracking (though the wiki-version feels much more dramatic). The calm reflection he claims results from this project sounds more spiritual than practical, more self-intuited than strategically outlined. Not that anyone has any answers. Blow-up is blow-up, whether it is someone’s home, publicity or real and imminent threat.

Below is the full version of his text “Believe in Tomorrow”, first published in an edited version at France 24 International News:


11月27日 上午10点-下午4点

讲座:  下午1点-3点
地点: Studio-X Beijing 北京东城区安定门内大街方家胡同46, A103 [地图
电话: 010-64028682
邮箱: studioxbeijing@columbia.edu
网站: www.arch.columbia.edu/studiox/events


November 27th, 2010, 10:00 ~ 16:00
market: 10:00 a.m. ~16:00 p.m.
talk: 13:00 p.m. ~ 15:00 p.m.
venue: Studio-X Beijing
A103, 46 Fangjia Hutong, Andingmen Inner Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100007  [see map]
Tel : 010-64028682
contact: studioxbeijing@columbia.edu
web: www.arch.columbia.edu/studiox/events

///与会者/ Participants ///


Country Fair is an ongoing educational endeavor, both a farmers’ market and a series of projects and lectures related to urban agriculture. It was developed out of the need to connect natural/organic farmers and consumers in Beijing.  Many farmers have an oversupply of produce, yet few consumers know how to begin a more natural way of eating.  The Country Fair serves as a platform for to learn about responsible urban practices and to demonstrate how the market works in Beijing: understanding distribution and consumption patterns will support farmers in their future practice.


On November 27, the Country Fair will take place at Studio-X Beijing (Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation) – a multi-purpose space to engage with the fields of urban planning and development – and will include collaborative activities to explore how locally produced food comes into the city. During the day-long event, farmers and professors will speak about the policies that shape rural agricultural practices, and participants can contribute to digital map visualizing how food circulates in the city.


“Country Fair” has been developed through the project “Mobile Garden” by Emi UEMURA and Vitamin Creative Space in Beijing.

///“集市”组织 /// Country Fair Organization ///